There are some things in life that just suck, plain and simple. Here are 5 complete nuisances and how to handle them.
Sucky Things with Easy Solutions
1) Getting a pimple in that little divot above your lip or on the edge of your nostril. Talk about sucking. They hurt like hell and popping them is only a possibility if you’re a total masochist with a high pain threshold.
What to do about it: Start to beat the ever-loving crap out of it the SECOND you notice it trying to develop. If you have sensitive skin then go for a salicylic acid based product…although I prefer benzoyl peroxide even though I have delicate skin and it’s never bothered me. I also usually use more than what it suggested by the manufacturer, but I’m wild like that. I also give it a blast from a Zeno Hotspot (which is a less expensive, disposable Zeno, but works the same way) about 2 or 3 times. That usually does the trick quite nicely.*
2) Stubbing your toe…yet another nuisance that hurts like all get out.
What to do about it: Yell and cuss. Yup. Yell & cuss. Studies have shown that a good loud expletive decreases the pain response. Strange but true.
3) You get home from the salon only to realize that your beloved stylist, who was having a bad day, has given you a seriously jacked up new haircut.
What to do about it: You actually have several options here. You can:
- Suck it up. Hair grows back. No biggie.
- Invest in hats, scarves & wigs. Wear them until it’s grown back out.
- Call the salon and politely explain the situation (you catch more flies with honey). A good stylist/salon will offer to fix the unfortunate cut free of charge. You are, after all, a walking advertisement for their services.
4) Every time you wear lipstick & think you’re looking super-foxy you come to discover your dazzling smile has been making people see red…because your lipstick is aaaaaaaaaaall over your teeth. Woo-woo, sexy lady. Woo-woo.
What to do about it: Before you walk out the door suck your thumb…sort of. Put your lips around your thumb like you’re going to suck it but instead drag your thumb out while keeping your lips tight. The lipstick that would have wound up on your teeth is now on your thumb instead. TADUM! Just make sure you clean your thumb off before you head out for the night.
5) Zombies are trying to eat you.
What to do about it: Run like the wind and aim for the head. And if you’re part of a group REMEMBER – you don’t have to be the fastest runner in the group… just faster than the slowest person.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
*Note I am not a dermatologist or aesthetician. What works for me may not work for you and although I do not follow the instructions of some products as laid out by the manufacturers does not mean you should too. You should always use products following the manufacturers directions. Read my disclaimer.
image credits: zit by Richard Perez * Lucky Cuss Motel by Thomas Hawk * Josh by Jesse * Goodnight Children Everywhere by Alli Woods Frederick * Cabin Fever by Massimo Ankor