I AM AN AUTODIDACT. Almost every thing I’ve learned about crafting, from knitting to embroidery, I’ve taught myself through books, blogs and magazines. And then I discovered Craftsy and now I have a world of online art and crafting workshops at my busy little fingertips.
WANT TO LEARN PHOTO BASICS? Craftsy has you covered. Eager to explore oil painting? They’ve got classes. Want to cozy up with a rockin’ quilt you made with your own two glorious hands?…Yeah. You know what I’m gonna say…Craftsy.
Craftsy has crafting covered from A to Z.

What is Craftsy?
Craftsy is a worldwide craft community offering online classes. It has a patterns marketplace where independent designers can share their awesomeness, a supplies shop overflowing with yarn, fabric, and class kits, and a projects section where members can flaunt their crafty goodness.
Why should you take a class online?
You can watch and learn from the comfort of your own home (hello pajamas!). Craftsy courses give you access to world-class instructors in your home 24-7.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Need to see that saddle stitch again? Is intarsia making you want to punch a puppy? You can watch your class as many times as you need. Your friends will think you’re a crafting genius. You’re the only one who’ll know you watched the drop spindle class seven times before you could remember which end of the spindle points up. Go at your own pace and ace each and every technique.
Become the crafting goddess you born to be. Get crafty with Craftsy.
What craft have you been itching to learn? Mine is quilting. I have a dream of a world filled with my goth and rockabilly quilts that must be realized. What’s your crafting dream? Let me know in the comments below.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
PS – Did I mention they offer FREE classes? What? I didn’t? Well they do. Get a jump on winter weather by taking their free knitting class today!
images :: via craftsy ::
*this post was sponsored by Craftsy*