SUNDAY I WITNESSED one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen some amazing things). This truly blew my mind:
A LITTLE GIRL, approximately 6 months old, was sitting on her father’s lap soaking in her surroundings in quiet contentment. Another little girl, this one about a year old, noticed the baby and came waddling up from behind.
SHE STOOD UNNOTICED alongside the infant and peered up at her. Without making a sound she slowly reached her arm up, fingers spread wide, palm outstretched towards the little girl…gingerly reaching for her but not touching her.
THE BABY GIRL, noticing the other child, turned her head and looked down at the inquisitive toddler with the outstretched arm. She looked at the little girl’s hand and, raising her own tiny hand, mirrored the older child’s outstretched palm…but still they did not touch.
THEN THE MOST AMAZING THING HAPPENED. As the infant locked eyes with the tiny tot her face began to transform. Her eyes began to widen and a smile to spread across her face which began to glow. She was radiant with absolute love and joy.
AT THAT MOMENT both girls took the other’s hand and began softly cooing to each other in a conversational tone. Love and acceptance poured out of each of them as they whispered their secret language and held hands.
AS QUICKLY AS IT BEGAN, it was over. The older girl’s mother scooped her up and carried her away as the girls gave each other mournful looks over their shoulders as they said their silent goodbye.
NEVER HAVE I WITNESSED such a beautiful, pure expression of love. Never have I seen love expressed so freely. Never have I seen love so clearly, so honestly.
THERE WAS NO FEAR. No judgment. There was only love and the pure joy it brings.
HOW WONDERFUL a thing would it be if we could all be so loving, so kind and so accepting of each other? Imagine how different the world would be if everyone loved and supported each other with positivity and happiness..if we could all create such little miracles in our lives…
I AM GOING TO DO MY BEST to carry that little miraculous moment with me each and every day. I am going to try to see the world through the eyes of love. I’m going to do my damnedest to take the love I saw that day, to hold it in my heart, magnify it and beam it back into the world. I only hope I can do it justice.
Will you join me?
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: via treehugger :: unknown :: heart – hathuyanna ::