WHAT AN INCREDIBLE WEEK. It was amazing. The best weekend ever just kept on rollin’ and snowballed into a great week. The funny thing is I’m not sure anyone else would think it was so incredible…but for me it was revelatory, freeing and filled with happiness. It was filled with quiet and perfect moments. At the end of it all, it’s the little things that create the most joy…so let’s celebrate them.
** Small, beautiful, powerful moments. ** Realizing just how many life goals I’ve accomplished this year and smiling about it. ** Still being able to surprise myself…and others. ** Wine and fires. ** Fancy waving. ** Feeding cows candy. ** Fuzzy pajamas. ** Autumn picnics. ** John Deere green. ** Gettin’ shit done, yo. ** Finding needles in haystacks…and beanies in pastures. ** Champagne and biscuits. ** Not only making deadlines but rockin ‘em. ** Beautiful photos taken by My Honey…he has a great eye. ** Rushmore, Bruce Lee and dramatic movie scores. ** Feeling completely safe and free. ** Early morning drives through the mountains with camera in hand while listening to the perfect song. ** Laughing with My Honey till I cry. ** Gentle and loving guidance – Thank you, Karina Ladet. ** Lavender scented everything. ** My camera, which still, after all these years, needs a name. ** Anticipating the 50th Anniversary Special of Doctor Who. ** Discovering I make some badass and crazy delicious salsa…and horchata. Who knew? Not me. ** Happy cashiers. ** Edison bulbs. ** Catching up with family. ** Recognizing patterns. ** Did I mention feeling free? ** Feathers, owls and cranes. ** My Mischa. ** My family. ** Doors opening to new opportunities. ** Possibilities and their endlessness. ** Cozy yarn and knitting needles. ** Handmade gifts from the heart. ** Rainy winter weather…just not on Sunday. ** Discovering. Learning. Exploring. Growing. ** Dropping F-bombs because sometimes it just feels f*cking good. ** A nice soak in a hot bath. ** Doing nice things for the people you care about because it feels good to make ‘em smile. ** Diet Coke and Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer…but not at the same time. ** Hugs, smiles and laughter…always. **
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image :: © 2013 edison bulb – Rob, aka My Honey (told you he had a great eye) ::