I RECENTLY SAW one of your newest ad campaigns and it certainly got my attention…for all the wrong reasons. As a matter of fact it’s this very ad that has me so disgusted.
*email subscribers can watch the video here*
I WAS SHOCKED by the complete lack of emotion and the blatant and overwhelmingly shallow and materialistic message the ad conveyed. And I am not easily shocked.
A WEDDING IS ABOUT LOVE; it’s about the joining of souls, hearts and lives; it’s about a couple sharing and celebrating their love with family and friends. It’s a celebration of the future; of hope; of happiness. It’s all about the love.
A WEDDING IS NOT, contrary to your ad’s declaration by the self-proclaimed invisible groom, all about the bride. It is not “her day.” It is not a three ring circus with the bride serving as ring master. It is not about how much money you spend. And it is not all about the dress.
OUR “CULTURE” (or the lack thereof) is turning beautiful declarations of love and dedication into outrageous and often ridiculous affairs that are more about keeping up with the Joneses and less about making lifelong commitments.
SHAME ON YOU, DAVID’S BRIDAL, for not only encouraging this awful trend, but for portraying brides as self-absorbed narcissists and marginalizing grooms – neutering them and turning them into nothing more than an accessory in the ceremony.
IF THIS IS HOW YOU VIEW MARRIAGE, as nothing more than an expensive ego-stroke for the bride instead of a beautiful expression of love between two people, then you should be ashamed of yourself and so should the ad agency that developed this campaign.
IF THIS IS what your company believes (which it clearly does, hence the ad) you can be sure that I, should I ever be blessed enough to marry, will not be giving you my business…and I hope that brides to be who share my belief that weddings are to be cherished and shared by both the bride and the groom will join me in my boycott.
ENJOY your new target market of selfish and hellacious bridezillas your new ad campaign will be bringing you. I’m sure your staff will enjoy every second of working with them. And I sincerely hope that, in the future, you rethink your companies values and what a wedding really is.
Kisses & Chaos from one who still believes in the magic of love,
Alli Woods Frederick
PS – Am I just being overly sensitive? What do you guys think? I just get tired of seeing men mocked, emasculated and marginalized in our culture. Their constant portrayal as being bumbling idiots, lazy, thoughtless and unnecessary has gotten on my last nerve and it was struck by this ad. And the constant portrayal of brides as demanding and self-centered is equally maddening. Am I alone on this? Please share your thoughts in the comments or join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter. Surely I’m not the only one who has noticed this trend. Surely I’m not the only one who still appreciates men and views marriage as a blessing…am I?
images :: artistic photography by tami :: amy carrol :: simply bloom photography :: magnolia rouge ::