Imperfection is Everywhere (and it’s great)




THIS WEEK’S THEME touches on something everyone struggles with:  imperfection.  We see it in ourselves.  We see it in others.  We see it in our surroundings.  We see it everywhere we look – some of us more so others.

Imperfection is everywhere.

AND WHILE SOME view these imperfections as flaws, as things to overcome, to change or to fix while on a maddening quest for impossible perfection (and to be completely fair and honest, some of them are…like chronic lying, stealing or cheating) , some of us see them differently.  What we see as imperfect in ourselves and others are precisely the things that make us unique.

Our imperfections make us special; 100% unique in all the universe.

WE ARE ALL, each and every one of us, amazing, stunning, beautifully imperfect creatures…each and every one of us.

ALL OUR FUNNY QUIRKS – our chipped teeth, flat feet, dental hygiene rituals, fingernail picking, dark moods, talkativeness, shyness, accents, weird toes, big butts, small butts, large scars, bad puns, the eyesight of Mr. Magoo – all our individual “flaws” come together, they snuggle up with each other, they intertwine, melting into each other to create you and to create me – imperfectly perfect people and every single one of us unique…and how could that be anything other than mind-blowingly, heartthrob-ingly, soul-rapturing-ly beautiful?

How could that not be wondrous and awe-inspiring?


TITLE:  “…they are mine and mine alone…”



I KNOW, I KNOW…I proclaim imperfection as a thing of beauty and then I post a rather dark self-portrait.  As per usual, I choose not to divulge the inspiration for my work.  I leave the interpretation up to you; take from it what you will; see in it what you choose.

I WILL SAY, however, that though this piece appears dark there is an immense amount of love in it, oceans’ worth.

I WOULD BE REMISS to leave out Rob’s preferred edit. He’s my trusted second pair of eyes (ironic give we both have poor eyesight *insert joke about the blind leading the blind here*) – when I can’t choose between two different edits it’s Rob to the rescue. And while 99.9999 percent of the time I’m in agreement with him, this time I choose the darker image because, while I agree with Rob and prefer his selection, I felt the darker photo was more in keeping with what I was trying to convey. Thank you, Rob, for once again being there with an honest opinion, ready to help when I need you. You’re the bee’s knees and you are appreciated.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


image  ::  © 2014 alli woods frederick photography.  all rights reserved.  ::
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