I’VE READ at least a dozen times from different professional bloggers to never ever apologize for deviating from your normal posting schedule. “Proper” form is to always stay true to your editorial calendar – post when you’re “supposed” to post and if you, for whatever reason, fail to adhere to your schedule and don’t post for a little while, never ever apologize. It’s “unprofessional.”
Since this makes zero sense to me and since I am a big believer in manners and respect I hereby offer my apologies for not being around the past three-ish weeks. I’m sorry for disappearing. I had to prepare for my first solo exhibit ( .transmutations. – more details coming soon) which opened the first week of June and ran into some snags along the way (I’ve recently transitioned from open edition photographic prints to limited edition signed and numbered giclees which meant using a new lab…which meant a hiccup or two as the kinks were worked out). Preparing for the show wound up taking far more of my time than I had anticipated. I also had a wedding to shoot and photos to edit (again, more details coming soon).
In short: I’ve been busy.
But life is moving back to its normal pace once again, so I’ll be around more frequently…and I have a few AWESOME surprises lined up for you starting next week. *insert mischievous grin here* I’ll give you a little hint: it involves AMC and The Same 7 and that’s the only hint you get. If you want to place your virtual bets for bragging rights and I-told-you-so’s you can leave your official guess about the surprise in the comments section at the end of the post. *more mischievous grins here*
But enough of my babbling (even though that’s essentially all a blog is…). I now give you my month late edition of Project 52:
I realize I’m still a couple of weeks behind sharing my Project 52 images,
…but I don’t want to slam you with an endless stream of pictures and the inevitable babbling that comes with them, so I’ll save the rest for later and hope to be caught up by the end of June at the latest (although I make no promises for the week of the 25th…it’s my birthday so I may be a tad distracted).
Thank you all for your understanding and patience (if I had a dollar for every time I said that to you guys, I’d literally be able to buy the world a Coke…boy did I just date myself…). I’ve missed you guys. *hugs*
Very Late Kisses & Genuine Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: long time no see – silver mercury :: rites of passage no1; rites of passage no2; untitled ©2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. this means don’t use them, share them, post them on your site, publish them, print them, distribute them, etc. without my express written permission. I hate to harp on this, but it’s been a real problem as of late – people stealing my work (I even found someone who stole an entire blog post and claimed it as their own! Can you imagine!?!) and since this is how I earn my living (if that’s what you want to call what a starving artist does. ha!) I have to be a bit of a hard ass about it. I don’t mind if you quote me (and include credit/links back for the quote) but please ask before you use my images…as a professional artist it’s important to me to make sure that my work is affiliated with sites & people whose purpose/causes/mission/etc that both I and my business are in harmony with…if that makes sense. So please respect my copyright and intellectual property by keeping your karma clean and asking first. I know 99.9% of you guys are good and honest, but every now and then a bad apple makes it necessary to post this little reminder that I will open a can of cold and menacing legal whoop ass on people who steal and plagiarize. *insert that badass Samuel L Jackson scene from Pulp Fiction here* Thank oodles, guys. ::