IT SEEMS the Project 52 group is hell bent on choosing happy themes every week, which I’m convinced is some sadistic attempt to drive me insane. As we all know I’m not the kind of artist that shoots rainbows and unicorns out my ass. That’s just not how my imagination works. Every now and then I’ll do a bright, happy piece but they are, admittedly, rare and usually involve the juxtaposition of something in ruin or decay against a beautiful backdrop (case in point).
MY IMAGINATION is a little dark, a little twisted and would probably cause psychiatrists to raise an eyebrow or two and question whether I’m fit to interact with the universe at large. But I like it that way. My imagination is my favorite playmate. It keeps me entertained…of course it’s also the source of sleepless nights caused by zombie movie marathons which tend to send my overactive imagination into overdrive.
In those moments my imagination transforms from cute and creepy like The Living Dead Dolls into Chucky…but that’s an entirely different story best left for another day.
BACK to Project 52’s subversive attempt to drive me into a creative land populated with gum drops, daisy chains and the laughter of children…and their ultimate failure to transform me into a human Care Bear:
NATURALLY I have to twist their cheery themes a bit to fit my aesthetic, visions and daydreams. And I must confess it takes quite a bit of twisting. It’s a challenge to find the dark side of their themes, but I do my damnedest to create work that is true to my vision without straying from the topic.
SO FROM THE DEPTHS of my warped but loving little heart I give you my interpretation of Project 52’s week six theme, Paradise, and week seven’s theme, Focus – miracles and the apocalypse, though not necessarily in that order.
Theme: Paradise
Title: “Paradise Lost”
“For only in destroying I find ease to my relentless thoughts…”
– John Milton, Paradise Lost
Theme: Focus
Title: “Performing A Miracle”
* I know it’s hard to see at this size – this was created with the intention of being viewed as a large print (12 x 12 or larger) as I am using many of the images as part of a solo exhibition later this year – but the black “thing” on my chest are red, irritated sutures that run from the base of my sternum to my clavicle. Since it’s an important part of the piece and it’s a detail that gets lost here I wanted to fill you in.*
It’s not too late for you to jump in and start your own Project 52.
NOT SURE if you have the chops? If it’s for you? I suggest you swing by My Four Hens (the free group I belong to) and check out her weekly faves. You’ll see a broad range of styles and imagery and skill levels represented. Everyone is welcome. Shit. They allow me to participate and I’m most certainly the dark and brooding aesthetic black sheep of the group.
I HOPE some of you will decide to join in the fun. It is a challenge but it’s well worth it. If you’re new to photography and have any questions about editing software and the like feel free to shoot me an email. I’ll do my best to help you get started and point you towards some resources.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. ::