SUNDAY’S True Blood was a bit of an Empire Strikes Back episode – more story (and back story) than action, but what the action lacked in length it made up for in intensity. But let’s be honest. We don’t watch True Blood for the action. We watch it for the characters and the storyline…and the occasional glimpse of Eric’s insane body. Don’t try to deny it. You know it’s true. And while we’re on the topic of Mr. Northman…
I’m a staunch member of Team Eric so to see he and Sookie reunited, though briefly and under less than joyous circumstances, made me do a more somber version of my happy dance. There are some people who, no matter how long they’re separated, what the circumstances or how bad they are for each other, will always have chemistry…and Sookie and Eric have it in spades. I’m curious to see how they’ll wrap up their relationship with the series’ end.
But I think we can all agree that the three most amazing moments Sunday were:
1) Tender, sweet and gentle Terry Bellefleur coming to Arlene’s side and encouraging her to live (and yes, my sappy ass totally cried. He was one of my all time favorite characters and no it’s not because we went to the same high school and were in the same theater department – I never had school spirit as any of my friends from high school will attest…I’ve never been much of a “joiner.” I’ve always been a lone wolf.) and to see him return healthy (well…healthy for a dead guy) and happy made my heart sing.
2) The all too brief introduction of Keith the vampire. Seriously? Why, my dear HBO, did you introduce him at this late date? Hubba hubba. Hopefully he’ll stick around and help kick some evil vamp ass…at the rate characters are dying if they don’t fill in the gaps the only person who will be alive at the end will be Sookie…and that would be a very boring final episode. And…
3) Ginger was once a clever undergrad at Tulane with a bright future?!?! SAY WHAT? You could have knocked me over with a feather. Her character has now transitioned from completely annoying but funny to one hundred percent tragic. Proof that all it takes is one small decision, like walking into a video store, to change your life forever…and not always for the best, bless her bat sh*t crazy little heart.
But this week’s True Blood Tuesday quote comes from the perpetually pissed Pam as she reflects on a moment from her past…
What. You didn’t think I was serious did you? Come on. You should know her better than that. To quote Pam “My mad face and my happy face are the same.” Enough said. God I flippin’ love that woman.
What was your favorite moment or line from this week’s episode? Share yours in the comments below.
Sarcastic Kisses & Pam Inspired Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick