IT’S BEEN several months since I’ve posted a F*ck Yeah Friday because, in all honesty, I haven’t been all that grateful. I’ve been feeling sad and disappointed and sad again. I’ve been pissed and screaming at The Powers That Be and have been spending a lot of my time having a knock down drag out fight with The Fates. I’m talking full on bloody cage match action with only one survivor.
ARTISTICALLY (and I know how trite this sounds) it’s been a goldmine. I do my best artistic work when I’m going through stressful or heartbreaking times but when it comes to my writing it’s been h-a-r-d to come up with content that isn’t either self-indulgent whining about how sad I am (bor-ing) or equally crappy posts about depressing topics.
(Would you want to read about suicide rates among different professions? Sure it might be interesting every now and then but a stream of Debbie Downer posts all week every week is not what anyone wants to read. We all need a little sugar now and then.)
AS A FAVOR to you and to allow me an outlet for my feelings I am using my art (and more specifically, Project 52) to work through everything and keep my mopey posts to a minimum. Yeah. You’re welcome.
IN SHORT, I’ve been having a really hard time. Which is precisely why it’s all the more important for me to show a little gratitude today, regardless of my current (or I should say persistent) less-than-grateful mood.
Today we are rockin’ some gratitude.
SO with that I bring you a looooooooooooong overdue edition of…
** Knowing I have an exciting announcement to make to you guys very soon about something I’ve been working towards for the past two years. ** Finding silver linings in the greyest of clouds. ** Having an honest conversation about my art with a cherished friend who has no idea how much strength he gives me. He once told me I was brave but when I’m around him I feel fearless, bold and free in a way I’ve never known in my life. He truly brings out the best in me and my life and heart are better for knowing him. He is a walking, breathing F*ck Yeah Friday in my life and I am always grateful for him. Every day. No matter what. (and I know you know who you are.) I only hope I lift him up as much as he does me…if not I’m doing a sh*t job as a friend. ** Knowing I gave Bruce Campbell (insert fangirl squeeee! here) a chuckle when he retweeted this ridiculous photo of me (long story about why it was tweeted but it was a joke…good god, my willingness to look stupid for a laugh is ridiculous but totally worth the payoff!):
** Having a potentially negative situation be resolved in a totally positive way. What a relief. ** Booking a beautiful wedding with a sweetheart bride at a dream venue. (Seriously. Thorncrown Chapel. Stunning. Designed by F. Lloyd Wright’s student, Fay Jones. Drool worthy architecture, for sure.) ** Expanding horizons and new opportunities. ** Getting ready to launch a complete site re-design for both Kisses & Chaos (which should be ready to go super-soon) & Alli Woods Frederick Photography (coming a little later, but still soon!) ** Giving a big “Thank you!” to everyone who has liked my facebook page (500 likes. My heart is so full. Just, wow!) by giving away a free tarot reading to one of my lucky facebook followers this weekend. I love giving back to you guys. I love saying thank you for your love and support. You guys are amazing…and for that I am always grateful. **
WHAT are you grateful for this week? Share your love in the comments or if you’re a fellow blogger and have your own version of FYF then feel free to share the link. The more gratitude the better. Let’s flood today with love and goodness.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: the effects of insomnia and bad dreams © 2014 alli woods frederick photography. all rights reserved. :: embarrassing image of me looking like an idiot also © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. :: © + all rights reserved means these images belong to me and cannot be used in any way, shape or form (including variations or derivative works) anywhere or for any reason without my express written permission. if you want to use one of my images, email me and ask. if you don’t and I find out (and I always find out) I will unleash my legal hounds on you…and it won’t be pretty. so just ask. I’m nice and sweet and will likely say yes. it takes two seconds to send an email. use the contact me page. super-duper-easy. cool? cool. muwha! ::