MINE. That was this week’s Project 52 theme. “Mine.” I was tasked with photographing something that was mine…all mine and mine alone. I knew what other participants offerings would be – photos of their precious children and families, prized mementos and sentimental whatnots all beautifully captured with the love and care you would expect given the subjects being photographed. And that is precisely what I found when I perused the gallery – those thoughtful, loving photos I had anticipated. But what was I going to contribute?
I DON’T really feel as though anything is mine. Material possessions can be taken away, lost, broken, stolen and cease to be mine when I’m dead so all those things are out. I have no children, no husband. I certainly wouldn’t claim Mischa as mine. He’s a living thing. He is his own. Memories? Even those come and go as they please, laying dormant until some external trigger revives them. If none of these are mine, then what is?
What is mine?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
THE IDEA that something, anything, belongs to me is an illusion. People, things, events aren’t mine. They are all on loan. They are merely borrowed; borrowed from the universe, borrowed from others, borrowed from time.
AND with that came one of those enigmatic memories; a line from the Frank Herbert novel “Dune,” which is how I came to portray mine and the concept of literally nothing and which now serves as the title to this piece…
Theme: Mine
Title: The Sleeper Has Awakened
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image :: the sleeper has awakened © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. this means don’t use it anywhere for anything ever without getting written permission from me. ::