Dear Tramps of Halloween (and you know who you are),
I’m going to ask this once and only once so please listen carefully. Will you please stop dressing like whores for Halloween? This holiday has absolutely nothing to do with dressing like a slutty nurse, slutty vampire, slutty police officer or slutty anything and getting falling down drunk. All the other holidays have been corrupted. Please leave my precious Halloween alone.

Halloween is a day when the veil between the living and the dead is lifted. Demons, ghosts and ghouls walk the earth. People dress in scary costumes to go unnoticed by the otherworldly creatures. It’s one day of the year that embraces the things I love so dearly…zombies, monsters and ghosts. It has absolutely nothing to do with T&A. I know you might find this shocking but most people do not want to see your ass hanging out of the bottom of the belt you call a skirt or you boobs hanging out to such extremes that you’re mere millimeters from having a wardrobe malfunction.

I am sick and tired of women finding excuses to dress and act like low-class tramps. If you want that kind of attention then go get a reality show. Reality producers LOVE women who drink themselves stupid and sleep with every man they see because they have low self-esteem and daddy issues. Go ahead…put it all out there for the world to see…just LEAVE HALLOWEEN ALONE.
I’m not asking for the world. I’m just asking for you to have some class and give my favorite holiday back.
Alli Woods Frederick