Indulge me for a moment, if you will, while I briefly recap last Friday’s On the Road: From Dallas with Love. I promise to keep it freakishly brief. Here you go.
- Drove to Dallas
- Stayed at gorgeous and awesome hotel
- Spent time with JFK and Jackie.
- Beer and conversation
- Room service and bed jumping
- zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know what you really want to talk about…the Lady Gaga show. I’m getting to it, I promise, but first thing’s first.
Drat. Foiled Again.
We thought we would visit the natural history museum that morning, but, I kid you not, the wait to just buy a ticket was about an hour. Thank you Texas Board of Education for scheduling spring break that week and unleashing the hordes of loud, screaming wee ones upon poor little unsuspecting us. Natural history museum was out and the aquarium was in. Well, at least we thought it was in, but when we got there it was the same story as the natural history museum; it was crawling with people and the line wrapped around and around and around the block. We assumed the zoo would be more of the same so shopping at The Galleria won by default. ‘
Grin and Bear It…
Honey was eager to check out Nordstrom so we started there. What can I say, it was a mall just like any other mall…it was just a mall on steroids. The highlight for me was Saks which had a gallery in it where I found a new artist (Robert Deyber) that I am absolutely over the moon for (his sense of humor is fantastic!)…AND my heart melted when I came across this Paddington Bear that my inner-child has decided it desperately needs. It’s so cute I want to have a baby just to have an excuse to buy it. Would that be wrong?
That was about it for the day. We wrapped up our shopping, popped back to the hotel, had a bite and a pint and then it was time wash up and head out for the evening.
I Left My Head & My Heart on the Dance Floor
After a quick wardrobe change we were ready to get our Gaga on and dance our butts off. We were giddy and giggly. We even had a dance-off while we waited for our ride to the concert with a golden haired three year old that I met earlier that evening in the elevator .
As we walked up to the American Airlines Center you could feel the energy zipping and bouncing and flying all over the place. The collective energy was just amazing! Lady Gaga was plastered all over the marquee and all Mama Monster’s wee ones were eagerly waiting to get inside.
I could go on and give you a blow by blow of the show, complete with the set list, costume descriptions and nice little review, but I think that would be missing the point of the concert. Lady Gaga’s shows are not a passive experience. You are a participant in a revolution of love, acceptance and positivity that’s all wrapped up with a fantastic beat, an amazing stage show and a mind-blowing aesthetic. I have never witnessed a performer actively demonstrate gratitude and positivity on stage until I saw Lady Gaga perform. I found myself being insanely envious of all the teenagers that have her as a roll model and wishing I had someone like her to admire when I was growing up. It was truly uplifting and awesome in the truest sense of the word.
The performance itself was INSANE!!! Nothing I could say would even come close to doing it justice. It’s what you would image all concerts will be like in 100 years. It’s like stepping into the future. Huge projection screens, giant monster fish, broken down cars, fountains of blood and flaming pianos…yeah…it was less of a show and more of an extravaganza. We went. We cooed. We sang. We danced. We laughed. We had an amazing evening. Oh yes, we did. And I shall leave it there.
Does the rest of the trip really matter after this? Not really. Grocery shopping at HEB the next morning, though fun (Helloooooooo Chocolate Hobnobs!), could hardly compare to the phenomenal experiences of the night before. But never let it be said that I don’t keep my promises. I promised you a taste of the show, so a taste of the show you shall have. Please forgive me for the sound quality. We were so close and the speakers were so loud that I’m genuinely surprised my mic wasn’t destroyed while I was recording. Enjoy my dears, and if you should have the chance to go see Lady G, go, dance and put your paws up!
Kisses & Chaos,
Your little monster:
Alli Woods Frederick