TILT: The Learning Curve Edition

As much as I would like to say that the first 13 days of 2011 have been full of sparkle and awesomeness, I cannot.  This year is proving to be a mixed bag, full of extreme highs and lows, but I’m trying my darnedest to stay positive and, at the very least, use these experiences to learn and grow.  So it is with growth and development in mind that I present:

Things I Love Thursday:

the learning curve edition

"photo of school books, apple and feet on a vintage bench", "back to school photo"

bench monday (back-to-school edition) by Melissa Deakin

* My family.  They provide endless amounts of love which makes any situations in life easier to deal with.  It’s amazing the strength that love can provide. * My husband.  He inspires me constantly. * Opportunities.  Even awful experiences can be opportunities in disguise.  It’s worth keeping in mind when The Big Nasties rear their ugly head. * All Things Girl. I’m their new Art Editor.  I’m so insanely excited about this gig…you have no idea.  To have the chance to help female artists gain exposure is just…incredible.  I’m pleased as punch to have this  opportunity! * Our new car.  My dear sweet Candy (we went everywhere together, my old Honda Civic and I) needs far more TLC than we can provide so we had to bite the bullet and get a new car.  It was hard for me.  I develop a strong attachment to my vehicles. Letting go of one is like losing a dear and trusted friend…but there’s a time when letting go is required.  I won’t lie.  I totally bawled my eyes out.  I am, however, hoping to build just as many fond memories with our new car, a 2007 black with white roof Mini Cooper.  She’s awfully cute and handles like a dream, so if all goes well I’m sure we’ll have no trouble creating a beautiful friendship together.  RIP, Candy.  Thank you for being dependable and strong.  You are loved. * The human mind.  It’s pretty freakin’ awesome, don’t you think?  It’s seemingly endless ability to adapt and cope is, no pun intended, mind boggling!  Hooray for brains and the miracles they perform! * Cooperative people.  Isn’t life so much easier when the people you interact with are pleasant and helpful?  Anything that makes life less stressful is always a good thing in my book. * Yoga.  I have been getting back into my old yoga practice.  Anyone who thinks it’s easy isn’t doing it right.  It challenges your muscles, makes your bones and organs happy and relaxes the mind.  It’s lovely. * Papa Murphy’s gourmet vegetarian pizza and  a cheap bottle of Arbor Mist (the Kool-Aid of wines).  This is how we chose to celebrate our new car.  It was perfect. *

What are you loving this week?  Have you learned any valuable lessons this year?

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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