I am so relieved that it’s a new moon this week. Waxing moons mean creation; a building up of energy that reaches its zenith on the full moon. I’m banking on this new moon to bring new opportunities and lots of great ideas. This new moon I’ll take my cue from Nancy Sinatra…I might as well since her music has been stuck in my head all week.
Strawberries, cherries and an angel’s kiss in spring. -Nancy Sinatra “Summer Wine.”
Things I Love Thursday:
the spring has sprung edition
Reiki. I’m conducting a session tonight and am so excited! I love doing reiki! * My husband’s obsession with scooters. It can be a bit much at times (I’m not kidding when I say “obsession.”) but the way his face lights up when he talks about them is really cute. * This article from DarrenBarefoot.com(note Maxim’s use of the word “girls” instead of “women.” Very creepy given the overtly sexualized images of females it publishes.) * Chartporn.org. Oh hell yes! * The fact that tomorrow’s Friday. Enough said. * Getting my favorite pair of wedges fixed! Woohoo! * The very long and involved conversation my kitty, Mischa, had with me yesterday afternoon. It would seem he had quite a lot on his mind. He fancies himself a philosopher and can be prone to bouts of loquaciousness. * The fact that my honey just asked if he could post a TILT of his own. So be on the lookout for a guest post from my hubby! I never thought I’d see the day! * Those moments where one realizes that life is fleeting and that each moment of each day should be lusted after and savored. * “I’d prefer not to.” Preach on, Crispin. Preach on. Spread the gospel of Melville. * Missfits Magazine…I’m swooning over its awesomeness! Read it and be proud of being a woman. *
So what’s making your heart melt this fine Thursday? Share, share, share away, my dears!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick