
Do you ever have the feeling you’re on the cusp of something amazing?  You know the one.  The one where your bones just know that something good is coming.  There’s an electricity in the air.  Every breath seems to pop and cause a spark.  Your entire being fills with that vivid and vague tingling of confused anticipation.  It’s delicious, thrilling and terrifying all at once.  That’s been my week in a nutshell.  I’ve been enveloped in that nondescript something-on-the-horizon-but-I-have-no-idea-what-it-is giddiness.  Of course, there’s also the very real possibility that I drank entirely too much caffeine this week.  Only time will tell.

Things I Love Thursday:
The Time Will Tell Edition

“Next Job” by Hans van Reenen

Spring and last minute cold snaps.  I don’t mind chilly weather and I’m just fine with sneaking some in at the proverbial buzzer.  My personal feelings on the matter of climate are:  You can always put more clothes on…but you can only take off so much without getting arrested.  *  Bumble bees.  Or any bee for that matter…well…not killer bees, just the cute, fuzzy, (usually) non-lethal variety.  I find them adorable and fascinating.  *  Exciting new opportunitiesin my life.  The details of which you will be privy to in about a month-ish.  I can’t let the cat out of the bag just yet.  *  Finally, really and truly realizing that nothing ventured really is nothing gained.  If you never try your failure rate will always be 100%.  You will never succeed if you don’t put yourself out there and give it a go.  It’s a fact and it took me entirely too long to really get it.  But better late than never.  *  These wedding photos by Dottie Photography (with whom I am now hopelessly in love) over at Rock N’ Roll Bride.  Drool-worthy awesomeness to be sure!  *  Entertaining the notion that what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah was actually a nuclear attack.  *  Truly limitless possibilities.  Nothing is truly impossible.  NOTHING.  That includes but is not limited to:  alternate dimensions and realities, the paranormal, cryptoids, alien abductions, lost civilizations, reincarnation, the toothy fairy, time travel, and finding a pair of skyscraper-esque heels that are unbearably cute AND 100% comfortable.  *   My honey, my cat and my family.  They are an endless supply of love and awesomeness…except when they drive me crazy…but even then they’re still full of love and absolutely fantastic. *

So what are you grateful for and completely smitten with this fine spring day?  Hmmm?  Do tell, do tell.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick

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