Okay. I admit it. I’m pissed. One of my favorite seasons, my beloved autumn (my other faves are winter and spring…and sometimes summer) completely passed me by last year. In the midst of all the chaos that was (is) my life I blinked and it was gone! Halloween? What’s that? Carnivals? State Fairs? Huh? Where? And don’t even get me started on not getting to ride the giant swinging pirate ship thing or listening to Van Halen’s “Panama” at ear drum destroying decibels while riding the mullet of rides, The Himalaya. (Do you want to go faster? Yeah! I can’t hear you…) I WANT MY AUTUMN BACK!
So instead of (more) whining I’m going to recreate it, right here, right now with pretty pretty pictures. Let’s ride that imaginary Tilt-A-Whirl till we’re sick, shall we?
*End rant here.*Begin funnel cake and cotton candy filled daydream now.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image credit: Bee cool by Kevin Dooley * Step right up by Cameron Russel * Big wheel by Kevin Dooley * Sneaking a Peek Through the Glass by Kate Mereand-Sinha * Tea Cups by Vincent Lock