A new art publication is looking for participants.
I am looking for artists who are willing to make a solid commitment to participating in this 12 month project where we will visually explore and interpret language and its impact on us.
What does this commitment entail?
I need photographers who are willing to commit to a minimum of 2 photos a month for a year. Artists working in other mediums – the number of submissions/amount of participation is negotiable.
What, exactly, is the publication?
I don’t want to give away all the juicy details publicly just yet but if you’re curious & want to be considered, please contact me with your name, mediums, a brief introduction/bio and the following:
* attach 5 samples (jpg only) of your work (no larger than 650 pixels on its longest side, 72 dpi). No Zip Files Please. Emails with zip files, large files or more than 5 images will NOT be considered. This isn’t to be mean…it’s to make this process as simple and as streamlined as possible.
*please name the files as follows: lastname_firstinitial_image#.jpg
(ex. frederick_a_image1.jpg)
to fill.in.the.mag {at} gmail {dot} com.
Subject Line: Interested Artist
If you are a good match for the project you will receive an email with complete details at
which time you can either come along for the ride or opt out.
Please help spread the word. I am looking for as much diversity as possible…the more the merrier.
Thanks oodles and I look forward to hearing from you!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image credit: © Alli Woods Frederick