Here’s another blast from the past. Pulled from the ancient archives of my blogs gone by. Original post date: April 1, 2006.
Black Eyeliner & the Manipulation of Space
so last night as i wandered through the land of Queen Mab something interesting occurred:
i had been gifted a black eyeliner pencil by paris hilton… she complained that she couldn’t use it because it was too hard to control… i naturally assumed she was referring to it’s application on the face… but i was wrong…
something had gone very very wrong with a batch of black pencil eyeliner that M.A.C. had produced… it not only lined the eyes, but it also had the ability to create a rift in space… i sh*t you not… you could put a line of it on the wall or the floor or anywhere that strikes your fancy, stick your finger into it, pull it apart and wander on in… and it would take you, not into the next room, but to other countries, planets, etc…
i used it to sneak into one of my favorite artist’s studio…
f’ing amazing…
and then i woke up completely disappointed…
so if any of you happen to come across this awesome eyeliner, throw a pencil or two my way, would ya?
thanking you in advance…
The request still stands. If any of you should locate said M.A.C. eyeliner, please send it my way. *wink*
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image credit: miss black eyeliner. by Samantha