I don’t know about you but I’m pretty well sick of any and all political conversations. Not because of the ads and debates and news stories but because of the complete lack of grace and taste from both the ungracious winners and the sore losers. Didn’t anyone teach them that if they don’t have anything nice to say they shouldn’t say anying at all? So what do you say we set it all aside and focus on happier topics for a little while – topics like Danish pancakes and getting swilly on spiked apple cider.
“Danish pancakes and spiked apple cider you say?”
God bless America.
- Have trouble following through on ideas or projects? Maybe you’re guilty of self-sabotaging. This article from Christine Rose Elle will help you spot the signs & turn things around.
- I’m a sucker for Nutella and vanilla so after checking out the inspiration on A Beautiful Mess this recipe for aebleskiver (Danish pancake balls) is a no brainer.
- Did someone say PUMPKIN COOKIES? Oh hell yes.
- Worried about getting snowed-in this winter? Make sure to have these essential (& yummy!) supplies. This might not get your power turned back on but it may make you tipsy enough not to care.
- I’ve been advocating drawing on your face since 1995. Now it’s finally getting the fashion cred it deserves.
- Just when you thought Pinterest couldn’t get more addictive they announce secret boards. Oh crap. Now we can pin like ninjas.
- Gala Darling and Veronica Varlow give you an inside look at hurricane Sandy & their experiences at the heart of the storm.
- Speaking of hurricane Sandy, here’s info on how you can help.
- Are you on instagram? Are you a style addict? Then check out Coast to Coast Challenge for weekly instagram fashion contests.
- I am totally digging the heart rings over at Luxurious Poverty.
- Getting ready to deck the halls but like your holidays a little less traditional? Check out SWSitchery’s little bat ornament. Adorable!
- Little Links o’ Love would hardly be the same if there wasn’t a zombie mention somewhere…so here are two! First up? A little film about the zombie kitty apocalypse. And we’ll follow that up with the trailer for the upcoming movie World War Z (rest assured there will a more in-depth post about my love/hate relationship with this book as well as my concern over Brad Pitt’s involvement on the film at a later date). I hate to admit it looks good…and best of all it will be out for my birthday in June. Nothing says Happy Birthday like battling hoards of the undead.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image: via KEKB FM | via A Beautiful Mess |