What will me dying words be? Am I the only person who thinks about it? I know it’s a bit on the morbid side, but I really do wonder sometimes. Think about how important they are…they are the last words you will ever utter in this lifetime. EVER. Sometimes I hope mine will be graceful and profound, sometimes sincere and overflowing with love, sometimes hilariously clever…but, if I know me (which I’m pretty confident I do) they will probably be something funny mixed with a little bit of something that resembles wisdom and a ton of love. At least I hope they will be something profound, loving and witty. Words are important and have power. Your last ones should be fantastic. (No pressure. Ha!)
What if you aren’t blessed with the gift of the gab? What if your forte is math and words elude you? I have a little inspiration for you. Here are 10 of the best last words to ever pass through people’s lips. Be forewarned: some are hilarious, some beautiful and all would be hard to top…but I, for one, am willing to try when my day comes.
Bob Hope
When his wife, Dolores, asked him where he wanted to be buried, my beloved 100 year old Bob went for one last laugh when he answered “Surprise me.” That’s my Bob.
Thomas Edison
“It is very beautiful over there.”
Sir Winston Churchill
“I’m bored with it all.”
Humphrey Bogart
“I should have never have switched from Scotch to Martinis.”
Henry Ward Beecher
“Now comes the mystery.”
Lady Nancy Astor
Upon waking briefly during during her illness and seeing her entire family at her bedside:
“Am I dying or is this my birthday?”
Oscar Wilde
“Either this wallpaper goes or I do!”
Ludwig van Beethoven
“Friends applaud, the comedy is finished.”
Emily Dickinson
“I must go in, the fog is rising.”
Richard Feynman
“I’d hate to die twice. It’s so boring.”
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images: Lost and Found by Alli Woods Frederick | Bob Hope via SE Entertainment | Thomas Edison via Operation Motivation | Sir Winston Churchill via Life on Dover Beach | Humphrey Bogart via gdefon.com | Henry Ward Beecher via Wikimedia Commons | Lady Nancy Astor via Answers.com | Oscar Wilde via The Daily Beast | Ludwig van Beethoven via alphacoders.com | Emily Dickinson via Wikipedia | Richard Feynman via One Furious Llama |