This week’s guest is March sponsor, Addie Talley of Talley Images. She’s an offbeat cutie-patootie. See for yourself.
The Same 7 with Addie Talley
1) In 10 words or less tell us what makes you so freakin’ awesome…and don’t be modest. Let ‘er rip.
I’m Lisbeth Salander of the photography world. (read a book!)
2) Did you (or do you currently) have an imaginary friend(s)? If so, tell us a little about him/her/it/them.
No, but I kind of feel like everything has feelings – like my car or my shoes, so I always try to treat them nicely so they don’t decide to do my wrong at an inconvenient time… yes, I’m weird.
3) Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes, I have a very big belief in all things supernatural.
4) What one thing scares the ever-loving crap out of you more than anything else in the whole wide world?
Pretty much anything supernatural…. 🙂
5) Sunrise, sunset, new moon or full moon?
Full moon, I’m a photographer so I’m obsessed with the light, I love how bright it can be outside.
6) If you had to live the rest of your life inside one book or movie, what would it be and why?
As long as my husband is with me, it doesn’t matter what the movie would be (awwww!!!!)… but honestly, since I tend to be a dark soul, most of the books or movies that I like/read/watch are not something that you would want to be stuck in.
7) It’s the zombie apocalypse. The person you love more than anyone, anywhere, ever has been bitten by one of the walking dead. It is inevitable that they will turn into a flesh-eating monster. What do you do?
This scares the crap out of me (see answer #4)… take my children and run… 🙂
Here’s a little space that’s all yours. Do with it what you will. Draw a picture, tell us about a current project, pet peeve, new product, write a haiku about unicorns, recount your bigfoot sighting…you get the idea. This is also where you can offer your discount or giveaway. It’s all yours.
I just finished shooting a circus performer series which can mostly be viewed on facebook, and I’m currently working on a fairytale series of shoots – I have 3 left to go… My next big project will be a series of shoots based on the 7 Deadly Sins (I will be doing a casting call soon on facebook!) – its going to be very dark and over the top, I cant wait to get started! (hmmm, don’t I sound like the perfect wedding photographer? Well, I am!) I’m also almost done with my new website so you will soon be able to view all the fun as well! I’m also doing a giveaway on facebook – like my page, share it and then leave a comment on the wall and you will be entered to win a super cozy plush blanket in a dark red, and also a bath product set – this one’s for everyone, so even if you aren’t local, you can still win!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick