IN ANOTHER ARKANSAS WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY POST from a couple of weeks ago I mentioned Lindsay and Jeff’s upcoming vintage carnival themed wedding I had the honor of shooting. Well the wedding (which was adorable) has come and gone and the photos have been lovingly retouched and are ready for the happy husband and wife.
I’M SO IN LOVE WITH THIS COUPLE AND THEIR PHOTOS there’s no way I could keep them to myself. A whole lot of sweet with a dash of American Gothic gone wrong. I couldn’t have asked for better clients…or friends.
So grab your insulin, boys and girls, because all the sweetness is about to put you in a diabetic coma.
THANKS AGAIN TO THE MITCHELLS for allowing me to share their special day. It was truly an honor and a joy.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: ©2013 Alli Woods Frederick Photography. All Rights Reserved. ::