YOU DIDN’T THINK I’D LEAVE YOU without a free Halloween download, did you? Surely you know me better than that.
I WOKE UP THIS MORNING and whipped up these bleeding cupcakes and spectacularly spooky cupcake and straw flags to share with you.
Cause I love you like that, Boo.
Bleeding Cupcakes
THESE BLEEDING CUPCAKES ARE STUPID SIMPLE and sinfully delicious. I went the easy route and used a box of chocolate cake mix. I dressed it up for fall by adding a dash of cinnamon to the mix. Prepare and bake as you normally would. Let them cool for 30 minutes.
NOW IT’S TIME TO MAKE THEM BLEED. If you have one of those handy little icing syringes then fantastic. If not, no big deal. This is how to add the blood if you don’t have a kitchen stocked with fancy baking tools:
TAKE A DRINKING STRAW and poke a hole in the top of the cupcakes. Spoon your favorite red jam (I used strawberry preserves but you could use cherry, raspberry, etc) into a plastic sandwich bag making sure to place it in the corner. Snip the tip of the bag with scissors (just a tiny snip) and voila! You now have an icing bag. Place the tip of the bag in the hole you made in the cupcake and gently squeeze the bag to fill the cupcake with “blood.” That’s it. Top ‘em off with your icing of choice and you’re done.
Spooky Straw and Cupcake Flags
THESE ARE EVEN EASIER TO MAKE THAN THE BLEEDING CUPCAKES. Just download the sheets here & here. Print n’ cut the ones you want to use. For the flags grab your straws and/or toothpicks and a glue stick. Apply glue to the flag, place the straw or toothpick in the middle of the flag. Then line up the edges of the flags and press the sticky sides together. For the round cupcake toppers just poke a toothpick from top to bottom so it runs along the back of the decoration…OR glue two of them back to back over a toothpick. I prefer to first method to save paper and printer ink.
THAT’S ALL THERE IS TO IT. You can have boo-tiful and delicious treats for your guests to sink their teeth into in about an hour. Perfect for procrastinators like me. *insert wicked grin here*
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE Halloween treat? Do you have any recipes, tricks or tips? Share your wicked ways in the comments.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: © alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. ::