F*ck Yeah Friday! The Premier Edition


f*ck yeah friday


I HAVE A CONFESSION.  I haven’t been rockin’ the gratitude the way I should.  I’ve been bogged down in the minutiae of my daily life and have let little things get to me, let the bs weigh me down instead of giving The Universe a great big rib busting hug for all the amazing gifts it has given me.  Enter F*ck Yeah Friday.

I’M GETTING BACK ON THE LOVE TRAIN.  I’ll be singing my gratitude from the hilltops from here to Timbuktu and back.  Want to join me?  Write your own list in the comments section below or, if you’re a fellow blogger, leave a link to your post.

LET’S TELL THIS GORGEOUS UNIVERSE just how thankful we are for all the beauty, love and joy in our lives, no matter how big or small it may be…it all counts.  So without further ado I give you…

f*ck yeah friday

***  Fall – the crispness in the air, the turning leaves…how do you not love it?  ***  Pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING…creamer, coffee, bread, pie…I wouldn’t be surprised if there were pumpkin flavored spam.  ***  The autumn sky – the light is different…softer…the sky is bluer and it’s beautiful.  ***  My Honey, Rob.  His laugh is infectious and he makes every day brighter.  ***  Gorgeous views from Buffalo Mountain.  ***  The biggest, grumbliest, Eeyore-iest sweetheart of a dog.  ***  Conversations with a chicken over coffee.  ***  Mischa being invited along on a road trip.  ***  Halloween parades and their awful emcees (“Gotta watch out for that camel toe!…Did he just bite her boob?  Holl-errrrrr!”)  ***  Haunted historic hotels  ***  4 Wheel drive in the countryside  ***  Seeing someone’s beautiful dream on a hillside…home is where the heart is  ***  My cameras for allowing me to capture moments. *** Nicole for understanding where I’m coming from…and where I’m going.  ***  Friends helping me through an anxiety-driven rough patch – mad love for you, Aimee and Aubrey.  ***  Snuggling on the couch with my honey watching American Horror Story.  ***  Making new friends.  ***  People being patient with my emotional scars…and still accepting me despite, and sometimes because of, my flaws and shortcomings.  ***  Fishing holes and broken swings.  ***  Repetition (“Do you guys listen to Howard Stern?”)  ***  Snuggles from people , pups and kitties alike.  ***  My family…always.  ***  My  Mischa…always.  ***  Learning I enjoy watching basketball…I was just as shocked as you are.  ***  Fire pits.  ***  Making trucks stop and start with the power of my mind…not really, but it was a funny coincidence.  ***  Watching shooting stars and seeing the Milky Way for the first time in years and years and years.  ***  Cow spotting at night.  ***  Surprise packages of pumpkin whoopie pies from the most amazing man ever.  ***  Holding hands.  ***  Exploring, discovering and sharing new things with someone that makes your heart sing.  ***

WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR THIS WEEK?  Let The Universe know how grateful you are for the good things.

Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick


images  ::  light – anne marthe widvey  ::
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