Off The Beaten Path: Artist Point & War Eagle Mill


MY HONEY, in his infinite sweetness, decided to transform our normally mundane tasks into fun little forays for my pitiful little sick self since all I’d seen was the inside of our home for days on end.  How sweet is that?

CASE IN POINT – the 45 minute trek we make every other week to pick up & drop off my step-daughters (Yes, I have two step-daughters. Surprise!) at their mom’s house is a lovely drive through the mountains, but it gets to be a bit of a bore when you make the journey over and over and over and over.  So my honey spiced up our drive by getting off the beaten path.  And as you know I’m a sucker for a road trip, even if it’s just an itty bitty quickie little wisp of a side trip.


off the beaten path


off the beaten path


DID I MENTION we also found a shop that carries every variety of butter ever made?  Cherry butter?  Check.  Blueberry butter?  Yup.  I was in heaven.  I grabbed a jar of sweet potato and pumpkin butter…and they are both insanely delicious.  I’ve been putting them on everything.  Okay…not everything.  I’m not topping my black bean burgers with sweet potato butter…yet.


off the beaten path


WE ALSO WENT TO WAR EAGLE MILL a few days before my kidney infection hit.  It’s pretty impossible to not take advantage of my husband’s awesome new work schedule, the warmer weather and the stunning countryside that surrounds us by going exploring.


off the beaten path


off the beaten path


THERE’S A LOT TO BE SAID for day trips and little one hour diversions.  It made a world of difference in how I felt.  Sure my kidneys were still mad as hell but it was such a nice drive it was easy to forget I was sick.

BIG THANKS to my husband for making a pretty miserable illness a billion times more bearable.

What about you?  Do you have a favorite day trip?  Where are your favorite secret spots to escape from the world for an hour or two?


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


images ::  all images © 2013 alli woods frederick photography.  all rights reserved.  do not use without express written permission.
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