TODAY MARKS THE ten year anniversary of the death of my hero, my first and lifelong crush, the funniest man in showbiz and one of the few who could hold his own in a duet with Bing Crosby – my beloved Bob Hope.
I DON’T THINK I ever missed a single USO show since the age of 2, though I freely admit to never (nor will I ever) watching a Bob Hope Chrysler Classic (I take a pass on any and all things golf related).
I HAVE THE COMPLETE collection of his Colgate Comedy Hour and if you think radio shows can’t be funny (and I don’t mean Howard Stern funny…I mean real humor) then you should give it a listen.
WHEN TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES runs a Bob Hope marathon it’s national holiday as far as I’m concerned. I park my happy ass in front of the boob tube and laugh and sing all day. Work be damned. But one thing always bothered me…why did Bing always get the girl? Oh, the injustice of it all. Shame on you Dorothy Lamour, shame on you.
I KEEP a photo of him, which used to be in my massage practice (he was a huge advocate of massage therapy…I always considered him the patron saint of the industry), displayed with love in my home. Every time I see it I smile.
AND EVERY SINGLE family member knows that I want his duet with Shirley Ross, ‘Thanks For The Memories,” played at my funeral and that if they don’t do it I will fully haunt their asses.
HIS PASSING left a hole in my heart. I still miss him oh so much. The world lost some of its sparkle that day, some of its laughter, some of its soul.
SO HERE’S TO YOU, BOB. Thank you for the joy you spread. Thank you for the laughter you shared. Thank you for the hope you gave. You made a difference in so many lives. And for all that and more, I thank you. You are missed…And thanks for the memories.
Vaudeville Kisses & Slapstick Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
Bob Hope & Shirley Ross – Thanks For The Memories
Bob Hope & Jerry Colonna
Bob Hope & Bing Crosby – Road To Morocco