A FEW WEEKS AGO, while driving down the road, I noticed a small flutter on the side of the road that I initially thought to be a leaf…but as I drew near I saw it was a baby mockingbird that had fallen from its nest.
MUCH TO MY husband’s annoyance I slammed on my breaks, put on the hazards and darted over to the helpless little bird. As I knelt over him he opened his mouth wide and flapped his featherless wings with fury while his mother squawked her concern from a nearby tree.
THE NEST, to my frustration, was out of reach. There were cats watching him with far too much interest. The street was a busy one with cars whizzing past. There was no way I could just leave him floundering in the street. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I did.
SO I GRABBED a small piles of leaves (not wanting to touch him for fear of rejection by the mother. I know they say it doesn’t make a difference but I’d rather not risk it), scooped him up and, unable to reach the nest, set him back into some brambles and bushes, far from the road and hopefully the paws of any hungry felines.
I COULDN’T HELP IT. I was so heartbroken that I couldn’t reach the nest. I was so worried that the cats would find him. I was so worried that his mom couldn’t feed him or protect him. I was overwhelmed with sadness and concern and guilt that I couldn’t do better for him, that I couldn’t make one hundred percent sure he was going to be safe.
I REALIZE THE ODDS that the little fella survived are slim, but I’m a big believer in bucking the odds. I hope his mother continued to feed him and care for him and that he’s now fully feathered and flying free. I hope the neighborhood cats were content with their Friskies and Fancy Feast. I hope he didn’t stumble back into the street. I hope I did enough for him. I hope he is okay.
IS IT LIKELY? No. Logically I know it’s not…but it’s what I hope…and it’s what I choose to believe.
I HOPE you choose to believe in it too. There is always hope. Always.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: baby birds – pete herron :: hope – mark scott ::