I WOKE UP THIS MORNING and did what I do every morning – rolled over, grabbed my phone and checked my email…and then promptly sat bolt upright in bed and started squealing. Why?
THE LOVELY & CREATIVE powerhouse Amanda Oaks from Kind Over Matter has published a stunning new issue of her poetry magazine, Words Dance and has included me as the featured artist. You have no idea how hard it’s been for me to keep this under wraps. I’ve wanted to tell you soooooo badly but I’m paranoid (what? who? me? how did you know that? who’s been talking about me?) and I was scared to death I’d jinx it. So I kept my big ol’ mouth shut – an undertaking I’m sure has earned me a special place in heaven since the powers that be know how hard it is for me to be quiet.
I AM HONORED to have my visions featured alongside such talented poets and artists. My birthday is Tuesday and I couldn’t have asked for a better gift. I’m over the moon.
YOU CAN GRAB YOUR OWN copy of Words Dance Issue 13 here for 5 smackers or you can pick up the Words Dance Bundle, a “ferocious poetry bomb…” overflowing with passionate words by passionate people.
THANK YOU, AMANDA, for adding to the beauty in the world and for including me in the process.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: © 2013 Amanda Oaks. ::