I know I’ve mentioned it on facebook and included a little postscript about it in a post last week, but I wanted to make an official announcement. I’m not one to toot my own horn, even if it’s a tiny toot of my own horn. In fact it makes me downright uncomfortable but I’m going to do it anyway because I’m that damn excited. *deep breath* I’m about to pop. Okay. Are you ready?
*Alli’s Happy Dance-Dance-Dance of Joy and Happiness™*
My article, “Foreign Waters,” is featured in the Summer 2014 issue of Artful Blogging which is available in bookstores and online now.
Being featured in Artful Blogging has been a goal of mine for several years so I am very honored and excited to have been given this opportunity. And it was one I didn’t take lightly. I wanted to use the opportunity to address an event that many people, unfortunately, experience and struggle with…and I wanted it to help both bloggers and non-bloggers alike. So what did I write about?
I wanted to help bloggers understand how to share important parts of their private lives with their readers, who are their tribes, their friends, their community.
I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not but we do what we do – the writing, the creating, the sharing, the teaching, the learning, the growing, the laughing, the crying, the ranting, the loving – because of you. We do it for you, the reader, because all of us want to help in our own way, be it creating beauty, spreading love, giving advice, teaching skills, providing support for people with illnesses…no matter what form it takes, no matter how it looks, we blog for you. And it can be very difficult for us to know how much of our private lives to keep for ourselves and how much to give away.
Good bloggers want to be honest with our readers. We want to be trusted by you. We want to make a difference and without honesty and trust that simply isn’t possible.
But we also have to have boundaries regarding what we share, not just for ourselves but for those we share our lives with – our friends and family who may not want the details of their private lives blasted across the interweb for all to read. It’s a challenge and, as in the case of my divorce, it’s not always easy to know what to do.
That’s why I wrote “Foreign Waters.” I hope it helps readers understand how and why bloggers decide to share what they share and I hope it helps making those decisions easier for my fellow bloggers. So whether you blog or just enjoy reading them, I hope you’ll pick up a copy, check it out and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your feedback and thoughts about the article. And thank you all so much for your continued love and support. I know I say it all the time, but you truly are the bee’s knees. Thank you.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: saddleshoes via rollei :: ridiculous video © 2012 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. (as though anyone else would want to lay claim to it. ha!) :: all other images © 2014 alli woods frederick ::