A COUPLE of weeks ago I told you about Mischa’s change in health. For those of you who missed the announcement, my beloved little furbaby was acting out of sorts and had lost weight so we went to the doctor. His hyperthyroidism was under control but unfortunately his kidneys weren’t functioning properly and his white blood cells were virtually non-existent. Naturally we’ve been trying to treat/manage his change in health and I’m focusing the majority of my time on his well-being…and you have been amazing sending so much love, light and care to him. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. That being said I just wanted to take a moment and update you on how things are going.

His treatment consists of a MAJOR increase in fluids, with which he’s been very compliant (as long as I bring him fresh water a few times each day. Turns out he has a tiny little bit of a diva in him…who knew?!?!), 2cc’s of liquid vitamins per day to boost his iron (he was borderline anemic – which honestly makes me nervous in conjunction with his white blood cell numbers…it seems a lot like the big C, but I’m not going to subject him to a battery of painful tests at his age. It would be more cruel than kind and selfish of me), two huge doses of subq fluids, another supplement to improve kidney function and a very small dose of Pepcid twice a day to treat his acid reflux (which I had suspected was an issue with him…his stomach was growling a LOT and his breath had started getting bad almost over night – as it turns out reflux in felines is often an indication of the onset of kidney issues).
Mischa went in for follow up tests and more subq fluids after his first several days of treatment. He had put on some weight (hooray!) and his white blood cells went up very slightly (normal is around 12 and his were originally 2.8 and went up to 3.0 at his follow up. Not a huge increase but any increase is good and we’re thankful for it). His kidneys showed no change but they hadn’t declined either.
Since his appetite had increased and, though still tired, he was more alert and engaged it is, despite the labs, considered a clinical improvement. As long as he’s eating, drinking water, not vomiting (excluding hairballs, of course) and using the bathroom normally, those factors when combined with his most recent labs means he is considered stable.
Stable! It’s not a decline so we’ll take it and love it but we are still keeping in our minds that we want his health to improve over time, despite what modern medicine says.

For Kisses & Chaos (as well as my other ventures – Alli Woods Frederick Photography, Fizzy Pop Vintage, etc) it means a slowing down. Yes, I will still be here and working on all my other projects just not full throttle and giving it 1000%. This means fewer posts and fewer projects, but I promise I will do my best to keep it all balanced. I hope you all understand and will bear with me. I’m doing my best.
For my Mischa it means more TLC and special care and attention. He needs all the love, care and affection he can get in order to maintain his current health and hopefully turn it around. He is pretty much getting everything he wants, no questions asked and without complaint and that will continue. If a little babying helps him feel better then a little babying it is.
Your prayers, well wishes, positive/healing vibes, rituals or whatever else you may practice or believe in are greatly appreciated. We honestly believe it helps both physically and emotionally (and yes I mean his emotions, not mine…though mine benefit indirectly) so if you are so inclined please know we value every bit of it and are so very, very thankful.
I will continue to keep you updated on my little man as his situation improves (look at me being uncharacteristically optimistic). Thank you again for your understanding and patience during this difficult time and know that you are loved and appreciated.
Kitty Kisses & Cuddly Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick (& Mischa)