YOU MAY have noticed a few small changes here and there popping up on Kisses & Chaos, like the new Project 52 and Words of Wisdom banners for example. The reason?
AND it’s coming very, very soon. I’m putting the finishing touches on it at this very moment and I’m so excited I could pop.
FOR STARTERS, much easier site navigation. I’ve been restructuring categories and tags to try and make it streamlined. Like some regular features more than others? You’ll be able to access the archives of some of your favorite topics from the sidebar; no more using the search bar and then wading through posts to find one that strikes your fancy. All you’ll need to do is click a button.
THE APPEARANCE is also undergoing a substantial change…an entirely new aesthetic and one that is more in line with my personal style…or one aspect of it at least since my personal style varies wildly depending on my mood. But the site will be cleaner and more cohesive…and of course it will still be black. Always black. Always. I lurves me some black.
SHOPPING with me will now be easier as well. I’ll still be offering distance reiki sessions and single card tarot readings but there will be new services available…not to mention a whole slew of new handmade goodies and product lines which I can’t wait to surprise you with…teehee!
I WILL ALSO finally be offering Limited Edition Fine Art prints (signed, numbered…the whole sha-bang). Yes, there will still be open edition prints available on Society 6 as well as clocks, shower curtains, rugs (yeah…you can now buy rugs with my art on them. Crazy!), pillows, mugs and the like but the selection and sizes available will be vastly different…and again, with new product lines (can we say more scifi and geek chic? oh hell yes we can!) coming soon.
I HOPE you’ll love the changes as much as I do and are equally excited. Please remember that there are always growing pains. Which means there may be a hiccup or two along the way no matter how much I plan. If you should happen to run into one such hiccup please contact me and let me know. I want these changes to make Kisses & Chaos easier for you to use and subsequently more enjoyable…and if there are a few parts that are wonky then by all means speak up.
SO in the next few weeks don’t be surprised if you come for a visit and find things completely transformed. You’re still in the right right place…and it’s still all about the love…well…weirdness and love, but love nonetheless. *wink*
THANKS for sharing this journey with me. You mean the world to me and I couldn’t be more excited…so stay tuned!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: haus of chaos © 2013 alli woods frederick :: weapons of mass creation – bianca green :: unknown :: the heart collector – huebucket ::