OKAY. We can look at this in one of two ways:
1) Postscript is two days late OR
2) Postscript is 28 days early which magically transforms October into a magical twofer.
Whichever you prefer is fine by me. Since I tend to be hard on myself and have enough inborn guilt to fill every Catholic church and Synagogue in the entire United States to the rafters, in my mind it’s option one. But in the true magical spirit of my most favorite of months, October, let’s pretend the previous statement isn’t true and opt for two, shall we? *I’m pretending you responded with a loud and resounding “We shall!”* Now let’s rock this Postscript and take a gander at the best, brightest, beautifulest (not a word but roll with me for the sake of consistency), bizarrest (again, not a word – thank god for poetic license) bits from around the interweb.
* Simultaneously disturbing and intriguing, the weird and wonderful John Malkovich has recreated a slew of iconic photos from a portrait of Dali to Diane Arbus’ “Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967.” He proves that he is a true chameleon, capable of taking on any roll with perfection…often creepy and unsettling perfection, but perfection nonetheless.
* While on the subject of unusual and brilliant celebrity portraits, I tried in vain to find a link to this somewhere…anywhere…so while this technically shouldn’t be included in a link roundup my hope is that one of you will know where to find this gem and share it with the rest of the class: Several years ago I saw Ted Danson interviewed on a late night talk show and he shared a family tradition of his and wife, Mary Steenburgen – a yearly calendar filled with “artistic” family and individual portraits, all to hilarious effect. Example? Danson in a serene landscape clad in a unitard performing ballet very, very poorly with a completely straight face. It was genius. If you can find a link to the images, please, PLEASE share it. I’m desperate. I’ll send a free 4 pack of Kisses & Chaos postcards to the first person to find the photos and share the link in the comments below (so be sure to send your email address if you win: alli *at* kissesandchaos {dot} com.
* Ever wonder why taxes are so high here in the US? Well misuse of 911 and emergency services certainly doesn’t make them any lower. Just check out this Oregon man who called 911 because the zipper on his wife’s jacket was stuck. And yes, there’s a recording of it. Please join me in the shaking of our heads in disbelief.
* My beloved Bruce Campbell is coming back to TV…and he’s not just coming back with any old show. Oh my no. He’s returning to television in the series “The Evil Dead.” Be still my undead heart. Klaatu verata necktie, baby. Groovy.
* Really? A food blogger thinks she’s busting Starbucks because their Pumpkin Spice Lattes don’t contain pumpkin? Seriously? Does anyone actually give a damn what’s in it? I know I don’t. It’s f’ing good. That’s all I care about. Now would you please pass me my PSL. I need my fall fix of delicious pumpkin-not-pumpkin goodness.
* You know that Twin Peaks series we’ve been rockin’ (the third and final installment is coming next week)? Well here’s a little more Twin Peak-y goodness…in all its 8 bit glory.
* The Supreme Goddess of bohemians the world over, Stevie Nicks, is exhibiting her polaroids (all of which are self-portraits…and most, though not all, of which are beautiful – because some 80’s looks are simply unforgivable, even if you are a Supreme Goddess. This is a fact confirmed by the increased sales of Aquanet and the unapologetic overuse of shoulder pads) opening this month. The exhibit, 24 Karat Gold, will kick off with a special event in Soho on the 10th and 11th and will be moving to the Morrison Hotel Gallery on October 21. And yes, prints will be available. I already have my eyes on two. I can’t wait to see the rest.
* I’ve long heard rumors of the childhood favorite “bah bah black sheep” being changed to “bah bah rainbow sheep” in the UK because , according to urban legend, “black sheep” is racist. Um, sure. Okay. *cuckoo* But it seems there is, in fact, a flock of rainbow sheep in Australia. Yes, rainbow sheep, but it’s not what you think. This art project, The Dream Series, benefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Who knows…maybe a flock of seagulls will be next.
* If you have ever dreamed of having a tree house then this list will make your head explode. If the thought of having a tree house has never even crossed your mind then this list will transform you into a tree house obsessed monster. Tie on a bib because some serious drooling is about to begin.
* I can’t count the number of times I’ve said I’m going to start a journal. Since I was a child I have always found the idea of it appealing but the practice of it tedious and very short lived. Then I came across this article about how to keep a journal on Heroine Training with its helpful hints and am seriously considering giving it another go. Maybe it will stick this time.
* Or maybe art journaling is more your thing. For me it’s a toss up but I may be willing to give it an honest to goodness effort (instead of the half-assed efforts (though less half-assed than the written journals) I’ve made in the past) with the help of the fabulous Jenny Holiday’s art journaling series (who you should really be following if you love kitschy vintage inspired art in pastel hues of blues and pinks).
That just about covers this edition of Postscript. I can’t wait for October’s which will be filled with all sorts of spooky, October-y goodness, the wait for which won’t be long since I dropped the ball on September’s. You’re welcome for the incompetency. *wink* Until next time…
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick