HOLY. Sh*t. am I the only one still reeling from Sunday’s episode? (SPOILER ALERT!) I didn’t see that coming (apparently neither did Alcide) but why didn’t Sookie? She should have heard those idiots coming. I can’t believe that’s how they took him out. He was a hero, a fighter and protector. He deserved a more honorable and more meaningful death than being shot by cowards hiding in the woods.
I understand the need to tie up loose ends since this is the final season, but HBO needs to do it in ways that honor the characters, the story and the fans…and so far that’s just not happening. I’m concerned that in their rush to bring all things to a resolution they’re going to sacrifice the quality of the story (it wouldn’t be the first time, if we’re being honest) and leave fans feeling completely dissatisfied.
Isn’t it bad enough that we’re already heartbroken over the loss of the show and beloved characters, but you have to add insult to injury, HBO? I hope not. Some seasons start out rocky and improve. I hope this final season proves to be the same and that we’re given the series finale we and the show deserve.
But enough of my critique and concerns and on to more important matters…like am I the only one that cheered and laughed my ass off when karma paid Maxine Fortenberry a rather ghastly visit? I’m awful aren’t I?
But my favorite line from Sunday’s “Fire In The Hole” comes courtesy of Sam Merlotte as he has an existential crisis while speaking with Reverend Daniels about the epiphany he had after witnessing the carnage in a nearby town that was wiped out by diseased and dying vampires.
While I do love the hell out of some pizza, I have to admit he’s right – there is so much more to life. There has to be. I’ve been experiencing my own ongoing existential crisis since surviving cancer and surviving my attempted murder.
(Say what?!? Yes, someone tried to kill me…that’s something I haven’t shared with you guys…if you read my article in the summer 2014 issue of Artful Blogging about sharing vs. over-sharing as a blogger then you know I recognize the fine line that I walk as I attempt to respect you, myself and the people in my life…and so far that’s a topic I’m not ready to address publicly – and when I do, in true Alli fashion, I will do so indirectly, with enough details that you understand and few enough details that the privacy of involved parties is respected. If someone told me my life story I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t lived it. Bananas I tell ya. Bananas.)
When we experience trauma or great shocks, most of us begin to spend more time on the big questions. As a survivor I know I am not alone in wondering why I lived when so many others have died…others whose lives had more importance – mothers and fathers with spouses and children; research doctors who make lifesaving discoveries; little kids with so much undiscovered potential; advocates; pioneers; activists. My life is no more important than theirs…if anything it’s less important, so why did I live? It’s something all survivors ask at some point after their experience.
When you’re a survivor or a first hand witness to tragedy you’re often left wondering “Why me,” “What does this all mean” or “Why are we here…what’s the point of it all?” And Sam is experiencing that first hand. Given his life I’m surprised that he’s only now asking the question, but we all come to such things in our own time and in our own way.
I certainly hope he finds the answer to the question…and then fills me in because I’d sure as hell like to know. Wouldn’t you? In the meantime, I think I’ll have some pizza.
Deadly Kisses & Existential Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick