TODAY is a day that is near and dear to my heart. Today is my beloved Bob Hope’s one hundred and eleventh birthday. For those who are not learned in all things Bob, let me give you a run down:
Leslie Townes Hope was born in Eltham, London, England in 1903. He and his family moved stateside (Cleveland, Ohio, to be precise) in 1908. He began busking when he was just twelve. At the age of twenty-two he was discovered by Fatty Arbuckle and began performing with a touring troupe. By 1929 he was a seasoned Vaudevillian performer – a master of song, dance and comedic timing. That was also the year he made the fateful decision to change his name to Bob Hope.
His career continued to blossom as he got into broadcasting in 1934. His most popular radio program was The Pepsodent Show Starring Bob Hope (which is hilarious and often featured one of my other favorite comedians, Jerry Colonna…if you ever have a chance to give it a listen I highly recommend it. I have the entire series on CD which I found at a Half Price Books in Houston several years ago. Score!).
the ghost breakers (1940)
In 1938 Paramount Pictures came calling, so Bob packed his bags and moved to Hollywood. His first film, The Big Broadcast of 1938, gave Bob his signature tune, Thanks For The Memories, which he used throughout the rest of his career. (Interesting side note: the song Silver Bells, now a Christmas staple, is actually from the Bob Hope film “The Lemon Drop Kid” – which is a riot, in case you wondering.)
road to singapore (1940)
He starred in fifty-four feature films (the most popular of which were his “Road” pictures which co-starred Bing Crosby and, more often than not, Dorothy Lamour as the love interest), hosted the Oscars a whopping fourteen (or was it eighteen? I forget) times (not including the time a couple of years ago they had a long-dead virtual Bob present with Billy Crystal using footage from one of Bob’s old performances) and, though never nominated (one year even kicking the event off with “Welcome to the Academy Awards, or, as it’s known at my house, Passover…”) was awarded four honorary academy awards.
…and a huge believer in supporting the troops, Bob performed in fifty-seven USO shows between 1941 and 1991, spreading laughter and happiness to countless members of the armed forces from WWII to the Persian Gulf War. My grandfather was actually appointed to be Bob’s driver/assistant while Bob was entertaining the troops in Korea during the war (my grandfather told me he was one of the nicest and funniest people he ever met…and my grandfather wasn’t the type to blow smoke or be impressed by celebrity, so if he said it, he meant it)…needless to say I was insanely jealous when I found out and wondered why it took him 28 years, a few martinis and a rare steak to tell me the tale. He also made numerous charitable donations to many, many, many organizations. Bob Hope that is, not my grandfather…wait…that makes me sound like my grandfather was uncharitable…gak! You know what I’m trying to say…*rolling eyes at myself*
Yup. Bob Hope is actually a Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire as appointed by Queen Elizabeth II in 1998. Not only that but during his lifetime he received, are you ready for this?…over two thousand honors and awards, including fifty-four honorary doctorates.
He is the only civilian to receive the United States Air Force’s Order Of The Sword, the naval ship USNS Bob Hope was (obviously) named after him…while he was still alive, which is unheard of…and the United States Air Force named a C-17 Globemaster III transport aircraft (this is me pretending to know what the hell a Globemaster III is) the Spirit of Bob Hope. He kind of makes that perfect attendance award from second grade look slightly less impressive.
they got me covered (1943)
Bob Hope passed away on July 27, 2003 (I was so devastated that I had to cancel my massage clients for the day…yes I was that crushed). He was one hundred years old. It is reported that his final words were, upon being asked where he wanted to be buried, “Surprise me.” That’s my man. Funny till his last breath.
I know that many of you, if you not most, have never seen a Bob Hope film.
thanks for the memory (1938)
I hope today you’ll change that. His comedy is timeless, his timing is flawless and he continues, even thirteen years after his death, to influence comedians and performers (not to mention golfers…to say he was an avid golfer is a gross understatement). From Steven Colbert carrying a golf club on stage during his USO tour as an homage to Bob, to Conan O’Brien’s self-deprecating humor & that little growl/meow/purr thing he does (both of which so closely resemble Bob’s in technique and tone that coincidence is unlikely) and Bruce Campbell’s perfect one-liner deliveries (Bruce once confessed to me that in a fight to the death comedic cage match between his beloved Shemp and Bob he couldn’t choose which man would win…if that’s not a sure sign he’s a fan I don’t know what is), Bob’s impact on entertainment and the world is undeniable…and his impact on your funny bone will be undeniable too.
He brought joy and laughter to millions upon millions for generations upon generations. He made the world a better place. Plain and simple. I hope you’ll join me today in wishing Bob a happy birthday.
You are, as always and forever, deeply loved and deeply missed.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: far too many are from my collection on my hard drive. yes I have a bob hope folder. yes I know that’s probably weird. :: several others via ::