WHILE some of you were battling snowstorms, I was battling my head as my mighty migraine struck again which delayed last month’s Postscript until today. Better late than never, am I right? Yeah. I know. That excuse is getting old, but in my defense I can’t plan my migraines. If I could I would make them waaaay more convenient for everyone’s sake. (I even had to bail on the opening of my .transmutations. exhibit last year. I lasted about an hour and a half before the migraine won and I sulked my way home.) I look forward to the day that my migraines f*ck all the way off and no longer cause all these damn hiccups. *grumble mumble pain in my ass mumble grumble*
So here is January’s Postscript. May the collection of interweb odds and ends make up for the two day delay. Enjoy, my dears.
Charles Dickens Heard Voices and Brigitte Bardot Had Amazing Hair.
~ HANNAH over at The Outfit Repeater gives some handy posing tips for fashion bloggers who take outfit photos…but the reason I like it? These are also great tips for anyone posing for a portrait sessions or even every day family photos. These pointers will ensure that you always look your best.
~ HAVE you been wanting to live a cruelty-free lifestyle but become daunted by all the research? Which brands are cruelty free? Which products are vegan friendly? What about shoes and accessories? Maybe you thought it would just be too damn hard so you stopped before you started. Then you may want to check out (and pre-order) The Vegan Wardrobe Challenge. It will walk you through living a cruelty-free lifestyle, which makes it a much less intimidating and overwhelming process. You don’t have to be vegan or vegetarian to make the world a better place for the animals we share it with.
~ WHILE we’re talking about creatures great and small, let’s not forget about plants. I have an impossible time keeping houseplants alive. I have a black thumb of death. But the lovely ladies over at A Beautiful Mess have some great tips for keeping your indoor plants alive and kickin’.
~ WE all know that the “ideal” female form has changed drastically over the centuries, but this video provides a visual contrast of exactly how the trends in preferred body type have (and will continue to) changed over the past 3000 years. Interesting stuff even if it did leave out some important eras.
~ LAST month I signed up for Yogaglo.com (which you can stream on tablets, phones, laptops and roku devices) and I. AM. IN. LOVE. Over 2500 yoga classes from just about every discipline, at every level and they are updated regularly. They even have mini-classes that prepare you for more difficult poses. If you love yoga but are too busy to attend a class or merely don’t have what you want where you live, check out Yogaglo. You’re welcome.
~ ALWAYS wanted to rock locks like blonde bombshell Brigitte Bardot but are styling impaired? This is, quite possibly, the easiest hair tutorial I’ve ever come across and it will give you her high and mighty teased and tousled main in no time.
~ CHARLES Dickens heard voices which directed him what to write, or so the author claimed. A brief but interesting read. With my fiction I often feel as though the words I write come from outside myself and that I am being guided or directed from someone or something else. It’s nice to know I’m in good company.
~ MOLLY Crabapple shares her 15 Rules For Creative Success In The Internet Age. Since she has done just that, I’d pick up what she’s puttin’ down. (And my fellow artists, please please please if you take only one thing away from this let it be DON’T WORK FOR FREE. Listen to Molly as she explains.)
~ AND while we’re listening to the Gospel According To Molly…I LOVE this post she did in defense of Photoshop. A to the f’ing men. (I was going to tackle the topic but she nailed it…so why reinvent the wheel?) I’m sick and tired of hearing people complain about Photoshop (looking at you, Jezebel.com). This article brilliant.
~ THIS article on brave (heavy use of sarcasm) police officers gunning down a cow that escaped a slaughter house pissed me off in ways I can’t even begin to describe.
~ I’VE never understood how people can live in one place their entire lives. I’ve moved so much I’ve almost lost count and I gain so much every time I move…even if I wind up somewhere I hate. And I will move again and again and again. Here are five reasons why you need to move at least five times during your life (and yes, moving one town over doesn’t count as moving. Sorry, but no.)
~ ATTENTION American Horror Story fans: It seems the seasons may be connected above and beyond the Pepper storyline from Asylum to Freak Show, and here’s how. (This contains spoilers from every season so if you aren’t up to speed then read at your own risk.)
~ THINK you know everything there is to know about profanity? I mean…what is there to know, really? Cursing is cursing and we’re taught that it’s wrong…or is it? I love this list of facts about profanity (including the health benefits…see…I told you so, Mom).
~ THE Subject of Death Plays a Part in Popular Culture. I think the title of the article pretty much tells you what you need to know about the subject matter. If I still lived in Philly I’d have been all over this exhibit.
Did you come across any hidden internet gems in January? Are you a blogger with a great article that I missed? Share them in the comments section below. I always need more reading material. Always. And here’s to February! Let’s make this month amazing (or tolerable at the very least)!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick