Music Monday

Aural Awesomeness

Oh my, oh yes, my lovelies!  It’s Music Monday!  I’ve decided to feature some videos from some of my old favorites…oldies but goodies in Alli’s musical catalog.  Today’s Music Monday features (in no particular order) Indian Jewelry (Houston kids that are oozing with so much talent they make squishing sounds when they walk…and they’re uber-nice to boot…some people have it all.), Rasputina (who can’t get behind quirky lyrics, cellos and corsets, I ask you), Crash Worship (who put on the best shows I have EVER seen…they are truly indescribable), Johnny Cash (is an explanation really necessary?) and a little extra something from Morphine (because life should involve more saxophones).  These bands represent different stages I’ve been through over the past *mumble mumble* years.  Listening to them floods my mind with memories, both amazing and awful.  When I hear them I am instantly transported…long lost friendships, regretful romances, insane road trips, going on quests at midnight and some serious artistic binges…they’re all there hiding inside the music.   They are part of the soundtrack of my life and I’m sharing them with you.

Is there a song that takes you back in time?  One that has so many connections to your life that it has become part of you?

Until next time…

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick

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