Well boils and ghouls, I’ve been at it again. As The Mistress of the Mix™ and lover of all things Halloween I felt it was my duty to supply you with a boo-tifully haunting mix of spooky goodness. Enjoy, my dears. XoX.
Aural Awesomeness:
Soundtracks for Life
Life Experience #3:
“Do you like scary movies, Sydney?”
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. This hair-raising mix is designed to set the mood for a ghost of a good time. Turn down the lights and get ready to be afraid of things that go bump in the night. Maybe that sound was the house settling…or maybe it was something hiding in the shadows, creeping its way up the stairs…there’s only one way to find out…
Happy Halloween.
Bugs & Hisses,
Alli Woods Frederick
image credits: by the pricking of my thumbs by Jerry Jones