Why I Was Wrong: A Letter to the Universe Regarding My Cosmic Screw*up


Dear Universe,

As you are well aware, Universe, I totally went off on you the other week.  I told you off eight ways from Sunday.  I cursed a blue streak.  I kicked and screamed and gave you a royal tongue lashing.  I was mad. I was really mad. I have been going through some rather trying times and some pretty draining experiences and I, being human and being flawed, pointed my finger directly at you.

I was doing what I was supposed to be doing: focusing on the positive.  I was saying all my affirmations.  I was looking on the bright side.  I was asking you to provide me with all that I was requesting.  I was playing by the rules and was patiently waiting to attract the good and abundance that you offer, Universe.  Imagine my shock when it all began to unravel around me.

Everything came tumbling down, and where were you?  Where was the good?  Why were you doing this to me?

And that’s when I realized I was getting precisely what I asked for. I really was.  I had asked for you to provide me with all these wonderful gifts but what I failed to realize during all my ranting and raving and finger-pointing, during all my blaming, is that you were breaking down the things that were in my way. You had to clean house.  You had to raze the building to the ground to rebuild on the foundation that was there.  My dreams need room to manifest and you are creating a positive space for them to grow.  Does it hurt?  Hell yes.  Growing pains always do.  Am I still angry?  Nope.

Please accept my apology, Universe. I get it now.  I’m sorry I blamed you.  You did what needed to be done and now it’s my turn.   I’m doing the work you have asked of me and I know that you will take exceptional care of me and my family and provide for our greatest good.  Message received…and thank you.  You always know what’s best.

Thank you.

Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit: Stating the Obvious by roseonthegrey

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