For reasons unbeknownst to me I have, over the years, developed a love of garden gnomes. (Maybe you remember my Name My Gnome contest which resulted in the most awesome gnome name EVER – Phineas Q. Butterfat.) As I went about my inter-web wanderings this week they kept popping up and popping and popping up. Rather than fight it I am giving in to fate’s desire to have this week’s Little Links o’ Love be gnome-centric, so this weekend we’re rolling with my gnomies. I have trimmed it back a bit so those who aren’t down with the gn-o-m-e (yeah you know me! Ouch…talk about dating myself…) can have some link love too. So without further ado I present you goodies I just gnome you’re going to love. (Go ahead and groan at the bad puns. I don’t mind. I’m right there with you.)
- I think throwing away books should be added to the list of mortal sins. It breaks my heart when I come across vintage books with pages & spines that are beyond saving. Enter this project: DIY notebooks made from vintage book covers. Hallelujah!
- While we’re DIY-in’ it up, I am completely and hopelessly in love with these awesome cat loafers. You better believe I am all over these.
- I’ve always had a place in my heart for white porcelain knick knacks, but the genius designs of imm Living have stolen my heart completely. I never knew I needed a gnome-shaped juicer until I saw it.
- It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the world’s largest gnome! Scary and awesome all rolled into one.
- Holy. Crap. Zombie. Garden. Gnomes.
- Can you believe I even came across a garden gnome peasant blouse? Who woulda thunk it?
- I know I must seem like a drunk, always posting drink recipes, but I honestly hardly ever drink… with that pseudo-disclaimer out of the way I present to you the supreme geek drink of the century inspired by Doctor Who: The Sonic Screwdriver!
- And while we’re kickin’ it Whovian style, why not throw in a recipe for some Tiny TARDIS Pies, shall we? These would be perfect for a small informal Thanksgiving spent with a couple of friends or just you and your honey. (the chili corn and the feta sound delicious. *drool*)
- And with the holidays come holiday parties…and holiday parties mean making out under mistletoe (or if you’re less lucky, avoiding the creepy drunk guy who’s sleazing on everyone with a pulse)…so naturally you want a killer holiday look. People always seem mystified by my cat eye makeup and since it’s purrrrfect for the holidays I tracked down a sephora tutorial that will show you how to create a great bold cat eye.
- This video of a woman proving her toaster is possessed by Satan just may be the best interview ever recorded. She pops up around the 4 minute mark. This is journalism at its finest.
- Lana del Rey’s video “Ride” is just…well…see for yourself.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images: | Normy, Hefty & Lil Gnome by Grace & Alice Schnebly |