I have been working like a woman possessed this past week. Seriously. Have you seen all the new fine art prints and canvases I’ve put up in the shop? It’s mad! Mad I say! Like I said…I’ve been going work berserk. I believe today I shall do some yoga, take a bubble bath, sit on my ass and prepare for the start of the mid-season premier of The Walking Dead tonight (which, do I really need to say, I am INSANELY excited about?!?). I might even go really crazy and take a nap! *gasp* (For those of you who are unaware I am NOT a napper.) Since I have been in wild manic work mode, this week’s Postscript is going to be more than a little scattered (as though that’s anything new or unusual). To quote Generation X:
Ready! Steady! Go!
- Feelin’ crappy because of the Valentine’s Day blurghs…or, to the contrary, are you feelin’ super-sexy because of Valentine’s Day? Either way you should celebrate yourself. And what better way to make you feel like a total vixen than to have a custom illustration of yourself as a pinup? Maria Danalakis has you covered.
- The pitfalls of pursuing a spiritual path – Spiritual Egotism. A very interesting read…
- I cannot bring myself to deface books…no notes in the margins, no dog-eared pages. I simply cannot do it. But the OCD part of my personality really likes the idea of having all matching faux-antique book covers. This diy project is very tempting indeed….but I know my respect for books wins out over my OCD…and that’s a rarity.
- Ever wonder what your favorite literary characters would look like through the eyes of a police sketch artist? Wonder no more. The Composites by Brian Joseph Davis is brilliant and not to be missed. The best part? He takes requests. Make no mistake Steerpike, Raskolnikov, Mr. Guppy and Heathcliff requests will be hitting his inbox on Monday courtesy of yours truly.
- Design Sponge has officially and permanently stolen my heart with their “Living In Twin Peaks” post. HOLY. CRAP. Nothing about that show has gone out of style. A true original and a true classic. God bless David Lynch.
- And yes, I am still on a teacup/tea party/Alice in Wonderland kick (and have been since I was 10) so how could I NOT share these Wonder-ific pendant lights with you?
Kisses & Chaos, my dears…Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
image credits: Cirque de Paris by Maria Danalakis * diy book covers via Design Sponge * Dale & Audrey via Design Sponge * teacup lights by Mat Moore Photography