PARABENS, PTHALATES, & DIOXINE – Oh, my! Everyday we hear more and more about how the common chemicals in products we use daily are completely trashing our skin, bodies and health.
SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE which is used in just about every shampoo and body wash out there is actually an industrial cleanser used to degrease equipment in factories! (yum!) We slather it all over our bodies in the name of a good lather (it’s the agent that creates all those lush bubbles) and then wonder why our skin is dry, or oily, or irritated or broken out.
SOME OF THESE INGREDIENTS are being investigated by the FDA for their impact on more than just our skin, but our bodies. Sure I want to stave off wrinkles and have dewy, glowing skin with the pores and luminosity of a 2 year old (who doesn’t) but not at the cost of damaging my endocrine system, my liver or giving me cancer (again! Had it once, not inclined to fight that battle twice).
So is all hope lost?
Are we destined to choose between health and beauty?
NO, THERE IS HOPE. You don’t have to be a slave to chemicals. You can set your skin free. Here are five easy ways to nix some of the toxicity from you skincare routine:
Natural Skincare Tips to Make Your Inner-Hippie Dance
(as though a hippie needs an excuse to dance)
1. Baking Soda
A LITTLE GOES a long way. Mix a little with water until you have a creamy paste, put it on that pretty little face of your and rub gently. The result? Baby smooth skin without the harmful chemicals and a price that is beyond cheap.
Bonus: it can also be used as a body scrub.
2. 100% Pure Pumpkin Puree
IF YOU’RE A LONGTIME reader of Kisses & Chaos then you are well aware of my unwavering love of for all things pumpkin…and that even extends to skincare. Pop open a can of 100% pumpkin puree (be careful not to use pie filling) mix 2 teaspoons of it with 1/2 a teaspoon of honey (optional. honey can irritate sensitive skin) and 1/4 teaspoon milk. Stir it all together. Slather it on your face and relax. Rinse after 10 minutes. Refrigerate or freeze any unused portions. Yes it’s a little messy, but your skin will glow.
Benefits: skin healthy enzymes out the yin yang.
3. Honey
MANY PEOPLE have wonderful results with honey facials. (I, however, am not one of them. It bu-u-u-u-urns.) I hear it makes your skin soft, cleans pores and, since it’s antibacterial, can help clear acne. Just grab a bottle of raw honey and rub a thin coat on clean skin. Let it sit for 10-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Ta-dum! You’re done.
Warning: based on my personal experience I recommend doing a small patch test first. I tried a honey mask for less than 5 minutes and it burned my face something fierce. Be sure to test for sensitivity first so you don’t regret it later.
4. Tea Tree Oil
HAVE A BEAUTY bubble-bursting blemish? Try tea tree oil. Used in oodles of skin care lines, this potent essential oil is a powerful antiseptic. So powerful in fact that you need to dilute it before applying it to your skin. To create your own magical zit fighting potion mix 1 part tea tree essential oil with 9 parts water or pure aloe vera gel (good for sensitive skin). Apply it to clean dry skin.
Warning: Test for skin sensitivity by doing a patch test. Tea tree is typically well tolerated but better safe than sorry since this stuff can pack wallop.
5. Seventh Generation Boosts
I DIDN’T THINK it was possible but Seventh Generation’s Boosts Natural Skin Serum has made me kick my extra virgin olive oil to the curb as my all natural moisturizing must. I use the hydrating formula and it is divine. Filled with such nourishing essential oils as lavender, chamomile and rosemary and skin friendly moisturizers like jojoba and grapeseed oil it keeps skin radiant and supple without being greasy, clogging pores or causing your makeup to slide off your face. Apply it morning and night to clean skin.
NOTE: I received a free sample of this product from Lucky Magazine and Seventh Generation for use in connection with this blog. I was not financially compensated for this post and the opinions expressed are my own.
CAN YOU ELIMINATE all the harmful chemicals from the world around you? Sadly, no. But you can make these few small changes that can help improve your health in the long run, save you some serious cash and keep that skin of yours gorgeous and glowing for decades to come.
Healthy Kisses & Natural Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: boho girls via the boho garden :: dancing girls via :: baking soda, honey, seventh generation & portrait © 2013 alli woods frederick ::