ANOTHER month come and gone. They tick by so quickly. Soooooo quickly. Too quickly. (Something I’m most definitely NOT liking). And with the end of another month comes another Postscript. I wish I could tell you some amazing personal tales of adventure and excitement, of joy and blessings, but the fact of the matter is that this month has, for me at least, sucked some serious ass.
*Shrugs* It happens. It can’t be all awesomeness and gum drops all the time, so here’s to the end of one craptacular (one meaning mine and if it applies to you as well then by all means join in) July and to hopes of an amazing August that IS all awesomeness and gum drops and when I say gumdrops I mean tons of red ones and none of those funky minty green ones (blech!).
And with that toast I know present this month’s Postscript…
:: I’m not much one of for gaming (anymore) but that was before I found out that the cast of Firefly is reuniting for a new online game (including my previously mentioned exception to my anti-ginger on ginger dating rule, Alan Tudyk – feel free to call me, Alan. *wink* and yes I’m rolling my eyes at myself because I know I’m delusional but I like my little imaginary world. It’s a fun place to live)! “This is so da bianhua!” Shiny! ::
:: Wim Delvoye. I don’t remember how I came across this ass “artist” but part of me really wishes I hadn’t encountered his exploitative and cruel creations which he calls art. He tattoos live pigs (obviously against their will) and sells their skin as “art” after they’re dead. He has fled the European Union to avoid prosecution and now lives in China where he’s banned from exhibits. I will not link to his site because I refuse to send him traffic but a quick internet search and you’ll find articles galore about him. This is a polarizing subject so if you comment I ask that you keep the conversation respectful and constructive (as 99.99% of you always do. Good god you guys are awesome – thoughtful and intelligent. Muwha!) ::
:: Artist Berndnaut Smilde is creating clouds…inside. The installations rely on a very precise set of parameters including smoke, moisture, temperature and lighting and the clouds are temporary. Make sure to click here to see samples of his work. It’s truly gorgeous and surreal. :: If a mere cloud isn’t good enough, if you prefer your clouds to be of the dark and brooding variety then you’re in luck! You can have a thunderstorm in your living room with these interactive storm cloud light + speaker systems by designer Richard Clarkson! You know how much I love thunderstorms so its $3360/lamp price tag is like a knife to the heart…especially since I would want my entire ceiling covered in them so every night I would go to sleep to my own personal thunderstorm. Heaven. ::
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:: So last night I had a dream that I was friends with Bill Murray. He owned a waterpark and brought me along as a guest. He left to take care of some business and, left to my own devices, I discovered the park was overrun with kittens and there were college anatomy classes being offered in the shower/locker rooms complete with cadavers. What does that have to do with anything? Nothing, really, except for this video of Bill Murray “crashing” a bachelor party (which makes me wonder if all those Bill Murray urban legends might actually be true) and offering some words of wisdom…that and this AMAZING Bill Murray coloring book, Thrill Murray (which I WILL be ordering). Long live Bill. :: I love my bobbed hair but I’m always jealous of the things I used to be able to do with it when it was long…like liberty rolls and French twists. Then I came across this tutorial: Shortcut To Style on Modcloth. A tutorial for short haired ladies to help us rock our locks with a bit more versatility. Hello, liberty rolls. It’s good to see you again. ::
:: Ever have questions about death, funerals and embalming but were too embarrassed to ask? Swing by The Order Of The Good Death, a group of funerary professionals, academics and artists who want to help make death less taboo and more…well…accessible and less frightening to society, as it should be. It is, after all, the one thing we all have in common (aside from birth) so we really should learn to live with it, so to speak. If you have a question, yo, they’ll solve it. Check out their blog while their morticians embalm it. Put ‘em on ice, ice baby. Ding-ding-ding dingding-ding ding. (what the hell is wrong with me?) :: A $330,000 lab grown burger? Sure ‘nuff. It was grown from stem cells. Do I like the idea of not killing animals? Yup. But this disturbs me on a gut level for oh so many reasons. :: And while we’re on the subject of unnatural nature, if you’ve ever wanted to wear an octopus on your head here’s a brilliant tutorial on how to make your own octopus hairpiece. ::
:: Feel the need to do more with your instagram photos than just let them sit in their little digital repository collecting virtual dust? The darling Sarah over at The Laughing Medusa has 20 tips on how to put your instagram photos to good use. :: I’ve been meaning to tell you about this post from Paige Z’s Tarot & Tea for months now. It’s about throwing the bones. If you’ve ever been curious about this ancient form of divination then Tarot & Tea’s updated ritual is a must-read. No bones about it. *insert rim shot here* :: And last but not least, I would be remiss to exclude this bit of comedy gold courtesy of Sharknado’s Tara Reid who talks science in her interview with GQ. Bless. ::
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Here’s to a happy August, my dears. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for those gumdrops, shall we? XOX.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick