APRIL fifteenth was my beloved Mischa’s birthday. *Drum roll, please.* He is now fifteen years old! But I think we can all agree he doesn’t look a day over eight. And for those of you who have the unique honor of knowing him well and being on the receiving end of his love & his affectionate but forcefull head-butts (looking at you Rob and Dan) then you know he most certainly doesn’t act his age. As frisky as a kitten, him, and just as cute.
I SHOT THIS VIDEO late the other night before bed. He always falls asleep before I do…but he’s just so damn precious I had to record this. It’s not action packed, but it certainly might make you understand just how adorable and amazing he is – his grasp of the English language is better than most college seniors. It’s a fact. There’s a Harvard study that proves it. Seriously. He’s the only cat I know that will lay his head down and go back to sleep when told (he also minds more and has better manners than most children I know).
SO here’s to my Mischa. Happy birthday, sweetie. Here’s to fifteen amazing years and wishing that you have at least sixty more. I have plans for my 90th birthday and I fully expect you to be there to celebrate with me. I may even let you sit on top of my head like you used to do when you were a kitten. Wouldn’t that be a sight… You’ve been by my side through incredibly beautiful and incredibly terrible moments and you’ve been there with unwavering love making all of it better. I don’t even know how to begin to repay you. Bottomless cans of tuna would be a start, I’m sure. I love you, you adorable little furball. Happiest of happy birthdays.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
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