OKAY…so Hello Spring Garden! is a bit of a tease, because absolutely jack has bloomed here, save a small handful of daffodils in a ditch on the side of the road. It’s still cold. Not as cold as it was, but it’s still cold.
But spring is just around the corner and I can feel it in my bones.
SO in an attempt to encourage Mother Nature to ease up on the freezing cold and snow and let the blooming begin I’m sharing a few images from last year’s garden.
FINGERS crossed that she’ll listen and the air will be filled with the smell of flowers and the buzzing of bees sooner rather than later. As much as I love winter (and I do LOVE winter in a big way – sweaters and snow and boots and coats and snuggles and fires…well…you get the idea.) I also like to shoot outside without my camera going haywire from the insanely cold temperatures. So I’d love it if you’d join me in saying…
NOW if there were only some way to convince Mother Nature to let spring last until autumn and just bypass the horrible, sweltering, sweat-soaked months that are summer, I’d be in complete heaven. Let’s be honest…four seasons are totally overrated. I’m fine with three. Three’s a good number. But for now, right now, my camera and I are ready for spring…and so is my spring garden.
HOPES? Dreams? That money tree we’ve all been praying for? Feel free to share your aspirations for spring in the comments.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: all images © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. this means don’t use them anywhere for any reason without my express written permission first. Stealing sucks and not only makes you look like an assh*le but brings some gnarly (yeah, I still say gnarly…and rad too) karma with it, so if you want to use my photos please just send me an email and ask. That’s what the contact me page is for…for you to contact me. To those of you who are honest and sweet, thank you. You rock & I love you. To those of you who steal, you suck and I’m coming for ya. And I’m so not even kidding.. ::