FROM WINTER BLOOMS SPRING; from despair arises joy. We are a constant succession of deaths and rebirths. We are born anew day after day.
We cycle like the seasons.
AND NO MATTER how dark the path we walk eventually we emerge from the shadows into the light. Eventually we rise into joy. We can be reborn…but we will die again. And so the cycle continues.
And it’s about time to let the joy rise.
Theme: Joy
Title: “Let It Rise”
I WOULD NEVER be forgiven if I left out my precious Mischa on a week with the theme of “joy.” He brings me so much joy…and all with just a look or his goofy jumping and playing; still like a kitten at 15 years old.
HE HAS HELPED ME through my hardest moments and the darkest days of my life; through cancer, trauma, almost dying, survivor’s guilt, panic attacks, my divorce and depression out the ass caused by all of the above events. He’ll be the first person I come to save when the zombie apocalypse occurs (sorry, Mom, but you have opposable thumbs so you can fend for yourself until Mischa and I get there to save you too) and I cannot imagine a life without him.
AT THE RISK of sounding like a creepy cat lady, Mischa is my best friend by the truest of definitions: supportive, caring, nurturing, fun and always by my side come hell or high water.
MISCHA IS JOY…except when he decides to use my stomach as a springboard to get across the bed in the middle of the night. Not then. Never then.
Alternate: Mischa The Wondercat™
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
PS – If you’re interested in checking out other Project 52-er’s photos you can take your eyes for a walk through our group on Flickr.
images :: “let it rise” and “mischa the wondercat” © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. ::