WRITE some clever, interesting, pleasant, funny and/or insightful words here. Make sure not to divulge what this photo is really about. Remember you have boundaries, both professional and personal.
NOT EVERYTHING in your private life is intended for public consumption even though your art is both intensely private and incredibly public. And yes, that is more than a little contradictory in nature, but you are accustomed to this aspect of both the nature of your work and personality.
THOSE PIECES of your heart and soul for which there aren’t words? Yeah, those…those pieces are why you create art and why you don’t even attempt to communicate any of it verbally. So please remember to keep your mouth and words inside the ride at all times.
Theme: White
Title: “…she was born to be the woman you would know…”
“Will the mountain last as long as I can wait?
Wait like the dawn
How it aches to meet the day…”
– Iron & Wine, Jezebel
THIS POST ISN’T meant to be flippant or rude or in any way mean spirited (and I sincerely hope it doesn’t come across that way…I know how wires can get crossed when dealing with the written word). It really is a note to myself.
I GENUINELY and sincerely don’t know how to talk about this piece (or most of my pieces for that matter) in a way that makes sense and still respects my own privacy while allowing you into my world. But part of the reason I create art is so that I can communicate non-verbally…so explaining it would defeat the purpose of creating it.
I MUST sound like a broken record because I’ve discussed all of this before. I’m not even sure if any of this makes sense. It’s been a hell of a day. A hell of a day. So thank you for bearing with me and respecting and understanding my boundaries and coming along for the ride anyway.
Note to self:
Boundaries, my dear. Boundaries….which reminds me…
I’M FEATURED in the upcoming Summer 2014 issue of Artful Blogging where I’m discussing that very topic: boundaries. How to respect your own privacy while still being honest and respecting your readers. It’s a balancing act that’s much harder and much more confusing than you think…especially during the more challenging moments of life; moments that aren’t just mine to share and other people have to be considered…like when I was going through my divorce.
THANK YOU, Artful Blogging, for allowing me to share my story and hopefully a little bit of wisdom. The Summer 2014 issue hits bookstores May 1st or you can pre-order your copy directly from Stampington & Co. if you’re so inclined. I now leave you in the more than capable hands of Iron & Wine. Enjoy.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: “…she was born to be the woman you would know…” © 2014 alli woods frederick. all rights reserved. if you want to use it on your website, etc, then ask first. cool? cool. thanks. ::
video :: jezebel © iron & wine ::