LONG, long ago on a social network that’s never far enough away (you know we all hate to love it and love to hate it) I discovered headdress heaven. If a neo-tribal pagan wood nymph got frisky with a flapper who also happened to be a Valkyrie their baby would be Hysteria Machine – or, more precisely, Cara Trinder, the creative goddess behind Hysteria Machine.
Naturally, with such a serious creative girl crush in full swing I had to ask her to join in the random and ridiculous fun of The Same 7. And much to my pleasure she was more than happy to oblige.
So without further ado I present you the glorious, glamorous genius of Cara Trinder:
1) In 10 words or less tell us what makes you so freakin’ awesome…and don’t be modest. Let ‘er rip.
”I literally sweat glitter and can fly.”
2) Did you (or do you currently) have an imaginary friend(s)? If so, tell us a little about him/her/it/them.
”I didn’t have an imaginary friend, however I was raised in a pretty religious house and every now and then my dad would go through our things and burn all the ‘satanic’ stuff yet somehow decided that buying my sis and I HUUUGE troll dolls with light up eyes was a good idea. I was convinced it was an agent of Satan and was trying to kill me at night. So that was fun.”
3) Do you believe in ghosts?
”Yes! and no! I don’t know what to believe! However I have seen some pretty freaky stuff in my time on this warm rock.”
4) What one thing scares the ever-loving crap out of you more than anything else in the whole wide world?
”Honestly? I have tokophobia. I will leave it at that. Also people with unnaturally long toenails that kinda scrape the ground in front of their open toed sandals, I just cant deal with that.”
5) Sunrise, sunset, new moon or full moon?
6) If you had to live the rest of your life inside one book or movie, what would it be and why?
”The Labyrinth. Trippy sparkly mazes, cups of tea with worms and their respective missuses, Bowie, masked balls. It’s a slice of heaven, well…so long as I am not banished to the Bog of Eternal Stench.”
7) It’s the zombie apocalypse. The person you love more than anyone, anywhere, ever has been bitten by one of the walking dead. It is inevitable that they will turn into a flesh-eating monster. What do you do?
”Make an excuse to leave the house, like, ‘OMG, friend crisis!’ then run to the beach, grab a boat and sail to the off-shore oil rig. He would have wanted it that way. I might not have the heart to kill him, but I cant watch him turn either.”
Here’s a little space that’s all yours. Do with it what you will. Draw a picture, tell us about a current project, pet peeve, new product, write a haiku about unicorns, recount your bigfoot sighting…you get the idea. It’s all yours.
Hysteria Machine is the love child of artist and ‘dream weaver’ Cara Trinder. Creating mad and marvelous accessories spawned in the deepest pits of her mind, from large and unique headdresses to resin cast animal skulls. Here at Hysteria Machine we specialize in creating items you never knew you needed but cannot live without.
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick
images :: amy spanos photography :: images 2, 3 & 4 courtesy hysteria machine :: amy spanos photography + ravenblakh photography :: tip Top Photography by deb underhill + alex lee johnson photography :: My boudoir by nicola grimshaw-mitchell + click click bang photography :: Laura donohoe photography ::