AS many of you know, June 25th was my birthday (and it was awesome – details to come). As a way to spread the birthday love that I received I’m hosting a giveaway – and this one is short and sweet. Today and today only you can enter to win a free tarot reading by yours truly.
To celebrate my birthday I’m giving away two tarot readings: one Simplicity Single Card Tarot Reading & one brand spanking new, never before offered to the public Three Card Tarot Reading! Just follow the yellow brick road (so to speak) by using the handy dandy entry form at the bottom of this post. It’s that easy.
This contest begins at 11:59am CST, June 29, 2014, and ends at 11:59am CST, June 30, 2014. 24 hours. Like I said, short and sweet. The lucky winners will be announced right back here, in the comments on this very page no later than 11:59pm Central Standard Time on Tuesday, July 1st, 2014, so make sure you check back here to see if you won.
I wish I could give every single one of you a free tarot reading, but there’s simply no freakin’ way that’s even remotely possible without cloning myself (hmmmm…I wonder if my clones would be intuitive too? Does it work that way? *cocks head like a confused dog*) which I’m sure we all agree would be a bad idea. One of me is quite enough.
Since it’s impossible for me to give away all those readings, for the next 24 hours I’m offering a birthday discount on my other new tarot service, A Year At A Glance Tarot Reading. A Year At A Glance provides you with a comprehensive month by month overview of the year to come, starting with the current month (in this instance the reading would begin with July). Your reading arrives in your email as a pdf for you to reference throughout the year.
Regularly $55, for the next 24 hours you can take more than 35% off your Year At A Glance Tarot Reading. Just enter the code BIRTHDAY35 to get your reading for $35 – just a little birthday present from me to you. The offer ends at 11:59am CST, June 30, 2014, so grab it while you can!

Good luck to everyone who enters and I hope you all have a very merry un-birthday! Don’t forget to check back here in the comments section below to see if you won on July 1st (11:59pm CST at the absolute latest). Good luck! Muwha!
Kisses & Chaos,
Alli Woods Frederick