My Gorgeous Dead Boyfriend, Robert Cornelius

self-portrait by Robert Cornelius


Is it weird to have a crush on a dead man?  Meh.  Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.  Okay, it probably is but I don’t really care.  I came across the image of Robert and what began as intrigue soon gave rise to obsession.  Please allow me to introduce you to…




As it turns out he was a major innovator in photography (go figure – it’s fate).  Born on March 1, 1809, he was a skilled metallurgist and chemist in Philadelphia.  His skill was such that in 1839 photographer  Joseph Saxton contacted him to produce a silver plate for use photographing Central High School in Philadelphia.  With this collaboration Robert’s love affair with photography began.


My Gorgeous Dead Boyfriend, Robert Cornelius

Central High School – Philadelphia as photographed by Joseph Saxton, 1839.


Most photographers at the time believed that, due to the long exposure time that was required, the medium could not be used for portraiture.  But my gorgeous dead boyfriend, Robby, was keen to prove them wrong.  In October of 1839 in front of his shop (which was located between Market and Chestnut on 8th street) my dear Robert took one of the first portraits (and a self-portrait at that) ever.

His country estate, Lawndale, is now Wissinoming Park.  The large home and 80 acres was even frequented by his family friend, Abraham Lincoln, on numerous occasions.  Many of the 4000 rare and beautiful trees he planted have long since died due to neglect but the estate is still standing and serves as a clubhouse.


My Gorgeous Dead Boyfriend, Robert Cornelius

Lawndale estate


While working with chemist Paul Beck Goddard, they discovered that the photographic process accelerated when using bromide.  This success led Robert to open the second commercial portrait studio in the United States.

Although successful, he sadly closed up shop in 1843 and shortly thereafter moved to Lawndale, his newly purchased country home.  Robert Cornelius passed away in his home in 1893.

I gotta say, my gorgeous dead boyfriend, Robert Cornelius, is pretty badass.  Yup.  He’s totally swoon worthy.


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


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For the love of all that’s holy everyone should know who Karl Pilkington is.  EVERYONE.  It should be a law.  Regularly taunted by Ricky Gervais he’s the “f*cking idiot”  (just one among many of such charming nicknames) on The Ricky Gervais Show as well as An Idiot Abroad, Karl Pilkington is actually a genius.  100% full blown, grade A genius.  I am here to help spread the gospel of Karl.  Take a deep breath, exhale slowly and prepare to bask in the underestimated brilliance of the magnificently round-headed Karl Pilkington.


Karl’s Corner

Today’s topic:  jellyfish

“Jellyfish are 97% water or something, so how much are they doing? Just give them another 3% and make them water.”

-Karl Pilkington



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  Karl Pilkington by Rick Walker  |  The Inside of Me is Glowing by Tanti Ruwani
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She Walks In Beauty


She walks in beauty, like the night

   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all that’s best of dark and bright

   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.


One shade the more, one ray the less,

   Had half impaired the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

   Or softly lightens o’er her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express,

   How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.


And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,

   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

   But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

   A heart whose love is innocent!

– Lord Byron


Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credit:  …… by anke merzbach
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Kristin Forbes-Mullane is not only one of my June sponsors but she is also a truly outstanding artist.  Her creations are 100% drool-worthy.  Don’t believe me?  Check out her website or her etsy shop and see for yourself.  She also has one of the most interesting and amusing fears I’ve ever come across.   Curious?  Then read on and enjoy meeting the uber-talented artist Kristin Forbes-Mullane.

The Same 7 with Kristin Forbes-Mullane

1) In 10 words or less tell us what makes you so freakin’ awesome…and don’t be modest. Let ‘er rip.

My amazing personality and wit.

2) Did you (or do you currently) have an imaginary friend(s)? If so, tell us a little about him/her/it/them.

Nope, never had one of those. I have twin sister, so I guess maybe I didn’t need one. But, we did have a friend that had one, I always thought that girl was so crazy. She had all these elaborate stories about her….even her Mom went along with it.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?

Not really, but I guess only because I’ve never actually seen one.

4) What one thing scares the ever-loving crap out of you more than anything else in the whole wide world?

Soggy bread, my own blood spurting on me and of course, cockroaches. Isn’t everyone afraid of soggy bread?

5) Sunrise, sunset, new moon or full moon?

Sunrise, there’s fewer people around.

6) If you had to live the rest of your life inside one book or movie, what would it be and why?

That’s a hard one because I haven’t read a book in what seems like forever and I mostly watch scary or suspenseful movies. That’s no way to live… I guess if I had to pick, I’d say, that movie, What Dreams May Come… cause I could then do whatever I want. But Robin Williams would not be included, but I might let Cuba Gooding Junior stay, we’ll see.

7) It’s the zombie apocalypse. The person you love more than anyone, anywhere, ever has been bitten by one of the walking dead. It is inevitable that they will turn into a flesh-eating monster. What do you do?

Tell them they have the worst breath ever and offer them a mint. If they don’t want one, then I will have confirmation that they are indeed a zombie and then shoot them in the head. (or in case guns don’t work in stopping them, rip out their heart, stab them in the neck with a pencil.. whatever works)

Here’s a little space that’s all yours.  Do with it what you will.  Draw a picture, tell us about a current project, pet peeve, new product, write a haiku about unicorns, recount your Bigfoot sighting…you get the idea. It’s all yours.

Thanks for asking me 7 questions!   Here’s a drawing for you.. I should have known they were a zombie before offering them a mint.



Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick


image credits:  all images © Kristin Forbes-Mullane all rights reserved.
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Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats





I am a patient woman.  I am understanding.  But now you’ve gone and done it. You have crossed the line. 

It is not without sadness that I note I have become rather accustomed to you churning out garbage for quite some time now, spewing out the same tripe over and over trying to make an easy buck.  (Did you honestly think no one would notice that Armageddon and Deep Impact were the same movie?  Really?  Did you?  For the record, I mark that moment, along with the release of Titanic, as the beginning of the end for Hollywood.  I just thought you should know.) 

I have, until now, been willing to overlook your shortcomings since every once in a blue moon you manage to create something that is actually unique, creative, and immersive – something that takes my heart and mind and whisks them away into a well crafted story where my disbelief is suspended and I exist completely in another reality, a voyeur in someone else’s intimate world.  Those moments made your disregard for my intellect and pocketbook worth it, made it forgivable, but no more, my lazy little piggies.  I shall tolerate it no longer and I know I am not alone.




The slights and insults are so numerous that to list them all would take pages upon pages and I fear the mere mention of them would cause them, like the dead maniacs in slasher films, to miraculously resurrect themselves and THAT we cannot have…but I will highlight a couple of your more impressive displays of supreme laziness and disregard for your customers. 

Let’s look at how you brutalize beloved books and turn them into barely recognizable shadows of their glorious selves, shall we?




Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


Wow and double wow.  Why even use the book’s title when you changed the story to the point that the lead character is unrecognizable and the purpose of the original tale is completely lost?  I am not a violent woman but the end of the film made me want to track down whoever approved the script, cover their hands with paper cuts and pour hot sauce and lemon juice on them. 




Oh wait!  I know why!  $$$$$$$$$.  You thought movie-goers would hate the original ending and the original character…so you rewrote the entire story with a happy(ish) ending to make movie-goers happy and, subsequently, your wallets happy.  How’d that work out for ya?




Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


This one broke my heart as I absolutely LOVE Phillip Pullman’s books.  I do believe you actually tried this time…at least you did what YOU consider to be trying. 

While you did follow the original story line quite well, you tried to fit way too much story into one film.  The end product felt cramped, rushed and underdeveloped.  It should have been either one extremely long film or it should have been split into two separate films.  After all, people sat through “Dances With Wolves” and “The Postman” despite Kevin Costner’s acting.*  Maybe then fans would have been able to see the completion of the series instead of the abandonment of the project.  So sad to have wasted such potential.

*Sorry if by some chance you read this, Mr. Costner. I’m not trying to be hurtful…I’m really not. I’m sure you’re perfectly nice, but come one…you had an American accent in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves…seriously.




Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


Come on.  Seriously?  So you’re doing your best when you, incapable of an original idea,  turn bad TV shows, cartoons, video games and even BOARD GAMES into feature length films? 

Did you honestly think people would want to sit through Starsky and Hutch? 

I almost choked when I heard the game Battleship had been made into a film.  Surely you were high…that’s the only explanation. 

I did admittedly, at my husband’s insistence, watch all of the Transformers films.  It’s a bit of a problem when CGI space aliens that look like cars are the most endearing and relatable characters in a film.  There are even glaring  gaps in continuity which should not have gone unnoticed in such a high budget film…how is a woman running for her life finding time to change her shoes so many times?  The ONLY reason I made it through these films is because



Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


He really is adorable.  I want one of my own.  But I digress…your go-to ideas are to remake old TV shows.  There’s a reason those shows went off the air.  Charlie’s Angels?  The Dukes of Hazzard?  Scooby-Doo?  You catch my drift?



Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


The remakes of already well done films is abhorrent and epitomizes just how lazy you really are.  Psycho was brilliant.  Psycho redone almost shot for shot is the bastard child of idiocy and vanity.

How many versions of Texas Chainsaw Massacre do we really  need? King Kong?  The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo?  Abre Los Ojos (which turned into the horrendous Vanilla Sky…they even recast Penelope Cruz in the exact same role)?  Godzilla?  Clash of the Titans?  The still-in-the-works Logan’s Run?  Planet of the Apes?  I could go on and on.  The list is truly MASSIVE.


Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats



But there is one, ONE remake in the works that has caused me to turn on you, Hollywood.  The final straw has been laid.  The line in the sand has been crossed.  You are committing the unthinkable and the unforgivable…




I cannot begin to tell you how vehemently I am opposed to this decision.  This is a travesty of the greatest magnitude. Fans have begged and pleaded with Sam Raimi for an Evil Dead IV.  We have offered our limbs, our organs, our first born, our souls, our grandparents souls and our life savings.  I dare say human sacrifice would not have been off the table had it meant a new episode in the Evil Dead franchise…a chance to once again bask in the glory that is Bruce Campbell’s portrayal of Ash.  But no.  Instead the fans, the people who have thrown their money at the Evil Dead series buying multiple editions of the same film just to have it in packaging that mimics the Necronomicon or has new commentary and a new bonus feature, have been ignored.


Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


I have heard some herald the new version as empowering because the lead, Mia (formerly known as Ash), will now be played by Suburgatory star, Jane Levy  but to them I say hogwash.  A female was not chosen because they wanted to shake things up and have a strong female lead kick some Deadite ass.  A female lead was chosen because no man could compete with Bruce Campbell.  Plain and simple.  You knew that no man could ever fill those shoes…so you filled them with a pair of cute and petite sized 8 pedicured feet instead.

(Note:  I really like Jane Levy.  None of this is to slight her, or her skill as an actress.  I honestly have no idea what her shoe size is or whether or not she gets pedicures.  For all I know she has hobbit feet, although I somehow doubt it.)



…Harvey, Streetcar Named Desire, Rebel Without A Cause, Harold & Maude, Star Wars (don’t go getting any ideas, Lucas…you pissed off enough people with Jar Jar and those “digitally enhanced” versions), Grease II (yeah, you heard me…don’t try and pretend you don’t know the words to Cool Rider) & the entire Evil Dead series.


Hollywood's Lazy Fat Cats


It has been Hollywood’s job to help us through hard times, economic or otherwise, by entertaining us…by lifting us out of our reality,  distracting us, helping us forget our problems if only for a few hours.  Rehashing old films that were done right the first time is a disservice to your customers, your industry and your predecessors.  Shame on you .

You complain about piracy but the reality of the situation is 99% of what you churn out isn’t worth paying for.  If you want our hard earned (not to mention hard to come by) cash then start respecting your audience and make films that are actually worth watching.



Disgruntled Kisses & Chaos,

Alli Woods Frederick



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